World RXS-2679: Part 4
"Carlos and His Cowrantine"
This is the story of how a cute holstein called Cowlos, but was first named Carlos instead, found herself living on my ranch. She recounted her story to me so that others with Bovid-91 infections can one day find a home here at the ranch.
It was like just any other day. Carlos was in the convenience store standing in line buying his daily lotto tickets hoping to at least win a few bucks this time. Behind him, some guy is dressed up in a baggy sweat shirt and pants along with a hooded jacket hiding his face. Carlos looks back at the guy seeing him wiping at his face with some tissues, Uh oh! Dang it, Carlos forgot his mask at home! He's heard that the new strain of bovid-91 been going around this time around. Carlos tries to keep his distance from the guy, but it's hard.
Carlos: "Dude! Move back will you!? I don't want to catch whatever you've got!"
Guy: "Mmmmrrruumf! I don't have to moooooove at all! Leave me alooooooone!"
Apparently Carlos didn't like the sound of that! "Look, I'm just going to step..."
But before Carlos can finish his sentence, the hooded guy coughs, and then sneezes! What could only be called, cow snot, goes flying everywhere. Little specks smack Carlos in the face and shirt! Eeeeeeeewww!
Carlos: "..............." ... drip..... drip.
Guy: "Uhhhh.."
Out from the shadows of the hood comes this thick tounge licking a bit at a wide nose... The guy then looks left and right and just starts booking it out of there. He grunts with a lowing as he runs. Then Carlos can see something moving at the back of his sweat pants.
Carlos grunts in frustration!
Carlos: "And here thought naaaaaa... I'd be fine...... Nope!"
Carlos drives back home, grumbling to himself. "Stupid bovid-91.... Stupid people not quarantining...." Later that night, he cleans up the mess. At least soap and water will kill bovid-91 on clothes. He then calls into work needing at least two weeks off, since he's going to be quarantining. But with bovid-91, it's hard to tell if he'll just get sick... or find himself on all fours at the end of it all.
The next day, Carlos wakes up in the morning. He checks himself over in the mirror. Human... Check! Flu like symptoms... Not check! Maybe he going to be alright after all. Throughout the day... he keeps checking himself. No fever! Yay! And for the next few days, it's the same. That is, until that fateful forth day.
As Carlos wakes up, he starts feeling a little achy. Then he finds out he started getting a fever. Well, bull pucky! He looks at his face in the mirror, rubbing his face feeling nasal congestion kicking in. "Please... PLEASE!.... Let it be just getting sick! I don't wanna be moooOOOooing like.... a..." He clears his throat, "Cow..." *cough cough!*... He heads back to bed. It is slightly restless as he tosses and turns in bed. His dreams get slightly odd.
Like, one dream, He finds himself on all fours in a grassy pasture. All he sees is cow hooves and legs and a big cow snout poking out from his face. But yet, nothing is wrong with this. He's a cow. This is normal for a cow. Because Carlos is a cow. Carlos mooos in the dream. He starts eating the grass, and it is good! Munch! Munch! Munch! The cow is hungry and must eat! But with all dreams, they become fleeting memories.
Carlos wakes up again in the morning, looking at himself in the mirror. "Man... I look awful." He hmmms, and then decides to see if he can unclog his nostrils with his tongue. He sticks it out, curling it up licking at the wide wet bridge of his nose..... and...... Wait. He leans in closer to the mirror. Welp, apparently, he gained the beginnings of a cow snoot on his face, along with his tongue. Even the tips of his ears are pointed. He reaches up and touches the cold glass staring. He looks at his fingernails, "Man... my fingernails look so dirty.. and..." It takes him a moment to realize his fingernails are already starting to darken. He breaths in though his new mouth.... and right back out. "I'm a cow... I'm going to be a cow soon... And there is nothing I can do about it now." He sighs and hangs his head. He goes back to sit and watch TV all day.
The next few days is a blur, with Carlos watching TV all day. And of course, as he checks himself, his bovine features grow. He watches news reports of other bovid-91 infections in his city. More cows for the local farms. And he's going to be one soon. He pulls up his shirt, looking down at his belly. He finds the patch of pink skin with the start of four little teats rests there. It's gotten bigger too, and that spot over his rear is so itchy too. Then he found out that was just the start of his new cow tail growing out.
You see, since Carlos is turning into a cow, cows are female. So Carlos is now a female. That growing udder on her belly sure does lend to that one obvious fact. After a few days, Carlos's voice gains in pitch. At least the nasal congestion has gone and fever has broken. Strange, her hands are at least still hands and not full cow hooves. Three fingers with thick hooves at the tips. She still retains a little bit of dexterity with those. At least her feet are cow hooves. And she still remains on two legs! Nice thick white fur with black spots cover her entire body. Some white horns now stick out from her head. She looks into the mirror looking at the new cow morph looking back at her. "I'm a... cow. Sort of. I can still talk at least!" She sighs... looking around her house, "They would still never let me live here for much longer. I need.... a farm... a farm to live on. Wait! What was the name of that one ranch I heard of?" She runs over to her computer to go look it up. There it is! 'Denise's One Horn Ranch'... It's also local! She looks up and prints out all the forms needed to ask for the Ranch to accept her new livestock designation, since... unfortunately... Federal law states that once someone is infected with bovid-91, they become livestock.
Now with the forms in hand, she heads out to her car. Getting in, she drives off to the ranch. Hopefully in the meantime, no police pull her over. She doesn't match her license anymore, obviously. It takes her a bit to drive over there but she gets there. She hops on out of her car walking up to what looks to be the offices. As she walks up to the office door, it opens letting out this amazing creature Carlos has seen! This bright white unicorn morph with shiny golds hooves, blue denim shorts and a blue sports bra with a glowing rainbow horn stands there! Denise blinks a couple a times looking at Carlos.
Denise: "Oh my! Another cow morph? Let me guess. Bovid-91?"
Carlos nods. "Yes ma'am! I caught it a couple weeks ago and I'm finally able to... well.. be here!"
Denise: "You have all the forms all signed and ready to submit? And you really want to live here on my ranch?"
Carlos nod nods, smiling! Denise grins back at her and motions to the door to come inside.
Denise: "It's time to get you setup in your new home, Vault 111. Better living underground." She coughs! "Excuse me! I've been playing too much Fallout 4 lately."
Carlos grins and follows Denise though the door. "Oh! I'm Carlos... but I think I want to be called... Cowlos instead. I think that suits me better!"
And with the door closing, we end the story of how Carlos... now Cowlos has ended up living on Denise's 'One Horn Ranch'.