Name: Inflataline (Nickname ``Cheryl'')
Serial #: IR-006
Appearance: A long, rectangular bounce house with the head of a white cat as the entrance, with four huge paws as its feet. Plastic windows resemble the windows of a bus, and long cushy rubber seats line the front of the interior, with the rear as a bouncy floor, though it can be changed depending on her will.
Personality: Sassy, playfully rebellious. She thinks herself above the other rides and doesn?t want to abide by the same rules.
Shapeshifting: She can change herself into a standard bounce house, a basic school bus shape, and other animal parade balloons, including the contents of her interior. More versatile than any other ride so far, thanks to her experience around town.
Agility: Can jump and pounce across buildings and trees while making very little noise, and able to run at speeds of up to 120 mph before exhaustion and needing air.
Kittenbus Sleeper: Like Elefuntine, the inflatable rollers in her mouth can press inflatable costumes onto riders when she chooses, usually when dropping them off at their homes. They're often comfortable enough to double as pajamas, and give the wearer a little of her agility.
Inflatable diaper: Really young kids (or riders with special interests) get tight balloon diapers added to their sleepers. Any waste is absorbed and converted to air, but can only be used five times until it fills to capacity and turns back into the rest of the sleeper.
Mini-Bus bed: If filled with enough air, the costume can expand into a small clone of InflataLine, making a play tent with an included inflatable bed in the floor. This can be useful for wilderness or vacations.
Strategy: When not rented, she likes to roam around suburbs to give kids unsuspecting rides inside her, enjoying the feeling of people bouncing inside her. She prides herself on using her powers to incentivize passengers into riding her on a regular basis, possibly as regular transportation.
Notes: One of the few living rides to have been designed without the ability to transform people, due to safety concerns.