yayyy, part 8! . . . the "bitch" was tamed. the quality is good as always, even with the thickening of the plot, how an apparently ended bad episode opens new scenarios.
i am really enjoying your pacing and (obviously) the way you leave us wondering what will happen next. well done!
and now the annoying nitpick. fucking readers... in part 4 set before springer birth, an older juniper is listening to "roxanne", released in spring 1978 in part 8, some years later, they go to sayvette. the last store closed at the end of 1977.
there is an anachronism? is related with later part(s) of this saga? you don't care for real world chronology?
yayyy, part 8! . . . the "bitch" was tamed. the quality is good as always, even with the thickening
I look at it as alternate dimensions. In Feldon's world Sayvette never closed, and candy like Skull Crushers and Duets are still available. Each episode of Quietvoice actually takes place between two halves of a year. Episode 1 would be 76-77, episode 2 77-78, etc. Any song that appears before it's time, or toy lines for that matter is artistic license and part of the whole 'alternate time line' thing.
For those not in the know, Skull Crushers were banned in Canada after a single month of sale by parents groups.
I look at it as alternate dimensions. In Feldon's world Sayvette never closed, and candy like Skull