It was a cold winter night and the moon was casting its light over a small forest on the outskirts of a town and just out of site near the top of a tree sat a rather large tree house.And on the porch laid a chipmunk boy in a tattered hoodie and jeans,and he was just staring up at the starry night sky.When he saw two shooting stars cross paths with each other,and a smile crept across his face as he remembered the words that someone once told him.He quickly lost the smile he had only moments ago and it was replaced with sadness and regret he wiped his eyes in a futile attempt to stop the tears from poring from his eyes.As if in sync with his emotions storm clouds began to gather and pour down rain,and the young chipmunk took refuge inside the tree house.
The interior of the tree house was rather simple it only had a simple twin size bed,a shelf with a small radio,a window,and hung on the wall was a picture of the young chipmunk standing next to and holding hands with another young chipmunk boy standing under a willow tree.
The young chipmunk took the picture off the wall and sat down on the bed and just stared at the picture.Tears once again came from the young chipmunk's eye and fell on the picture he was holding and slid down the frame as the young chipmunk said“I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you Alex.” The young chipmunk looked down at his bracelet that said “Alex ♥ Trip” Trip began to look back and forth at the bracelet and the picture and began to think back to how much his life had changed since he met Alex.
*Flash back*
I was abandoned by my mom when I was still a baby so I never knew her,but I knew that she didn't care about me at all.Because she left me on a doorstep with nothing but a blanket and I wish I could say things got better but doing that would be a lie.The couple my mom had left me with couldn't care less what happened to me all they cared about was themselves looking for where they could get their next fix.Because they were chronic alcoholics and they smoked weed and that is where most of their money went.
So I never really knew if I was ever going to get anything to eat or drink when I was home,and when I was old enough I went to school and that became a safe haven of sorts because I knew that if nothing else I'd get at least something to eat and drink five days of the week.But aside from the food and drink it was like a living hell;because I was the poorest kid in my school and being a chipmunk didn't help the situation.
So I got all of your usual bully treatments and regardless of how much I told the principle or the teachers all they would say was “We can't do anything about it unless we see it.” so eventually I just gave up and took it all of that crap that they did to me,and things just got worse because my parents would get drunk out of their mind and turn me into their own personal punching bag.
So I got beat up at home and school and no one even tried to stop what was happening they just tuned me out,and with all of the bullying I got at home and school it was no surprise that my cloths got torn and stretched that I had to throw them away very often,and my parents didn't buy me any more because they just saw me as an animal that didn't need need cloths.So I had to resort to stealing money from my parents when they weren't looking and buying cloths from a thrift store.
And that is how my life went on until I was thirteen and by this time I had become numb to all the pain I got from bullies,my parents,and the soul crushing loneliness.Because I had no friends because I guess people thought it was beneath them to be my friend or just thought I was worthless.
But things changed when I was thirteen going into the seventh grade because we had a transfer student from Alabama and what no one knew was that the transfer student was another chipmunk like myself,but yet we were worlds apart because his family was very well off which meant he had almost anything he wanted.But he was put in a completely different homeroom than me so we never saw each other but everyone spoke highly of him because they said things like “He is so down to earth.”,“He isn't a snob like other rich kids.”,“He is so handsome”,ect
And I just kept hearing more and more about him but it wasn't until baseball season started that I actually saw him and heard his name.And for me it was love at first sight because he had the most beautiful blonde fur,greens eyes that were like emeralds,and his name was Alex and I thought it was a beautiful name for a beautiful boy.But I knew I wouldn't stand a chance in hell of ever actually dating him because he was the baseball team's star pitcher,had loads of friends,and I was positive he was straight and I was just a worthless nobody that no one even noticed.
But one day things changed because for some reason Alex got transferred to my homeroom and I was awestruck because he was more beautiful up close than I imagined him to be.I was glad that I was at the back of the class because I knew I was blushing because of all the thoughts about Alex that were running through my mind.
But it didn't take long before he figured out that there was another chipmunk in the school because when the bell rang signaling it was lunch time he came up to me and introduced himself to me.And I was trying to stop myself from blushing but it didn't work,and Alex took notice of it and laughed a little and asked “Why are you blushing?”
I thought he was going to make fun of me so I just bolted out the door and ran till I got to the willow tree just behind the school and sat in its shadow like I usually did.And I thought to myself “Great now even someone of my own species is making fun of me.”
My eyes were welling up with tears which hadn't happened in years and I knew that it was because I had actually fallen for Alex and I was hurt because I thought he was going to making fun of me like everyone else.After awhile I dried my tears and I looked up at the willow tree and it was in full bloom.For some strange reason seeing all of the red flowers blooming put me at peace so I reached into my backpack and pulled out my sketch book.
I began to think about what to draw but I just couldn't get Alex out of my mind so I decided to draw a piece of me and Alex.So I just sat their sketching away and before I realized it I had drawn a piece of me and Alex kissing.
I heard the bell ring and I headed back inside to my least favorite subject PE.The reason I hated PE so much was because I hated being in a locker room full of guys even though I was gay plus I wasn't very athletic so it was just a nightmare for me.
But this time was different than the rest because now Alex was in there and I couldn't stop thinking about him so I didn't notice that my sketch book had fallen on the floor.And by the time I realized it had fallen it was in the hands of the biggest bully at school Ryan Walker.He began to laugh at the pictures I had drawn and soon everyone else had joined in I tried getting it back from him but I couldn't he just shoved me to the floor and continued laughing at my drawings.
Then all of a sudden the laughing stopped and all their eyes focused on me and I knew that they had just seen the picture of me and Alex kissing.And Ryan being the jerk he is looked over at Alex and said “Come over here Alex you won't believe this.” and of course Alex being curious came over and Ryan showed him the picture I had drawn.Alex looked up from the picture and just stared at me I didn't know what to say or do but I knew I needed to get out as fast as I could.
But my luck being as bad as ever I couldn't leave the locker room because Ryan's goons had blocked the exits.So now I had no where to go and I knew what was going to happen next.Ryan came up to me and looked down at me with more anger than I've ever seen.He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and said“I hate queers because they are nothing but garbage that needs to be thrown away,and that is what I plan on doing to you right now.”
As he finished his sentence he shoved me into a locker and punched me straight in the gut and let go my collar and I fell to the floor.And his punch was followed by a series of kicks that landed all over my body.I looked up and no one seemed to care about what Ryan was doing to me in fact they seemed to be enjoying it.Ryan just kept on kicking over and over for what felt like forever.
Then all of a sudden the kicks just stopped and I looked up through tears of pain and saw that Alex had knocked Ryan to the floor.Ryan's goons abandoned their post as door guards and ran to their leader who was lying on the floor.I saw this as my chance to get way so I darted out of the locker room and school as fast as I could.
I ran towards the small forest just a little ways away from the school.I finally stopped when I came to the small clearing that was at the heart of the forest,and I just lied there in pain and bleeding which wasn't an unusual thing for me.But all of that pain and bleeding didn't really bother me because I knew that just like always it would go away and heal.
What had hurt me the most was now my secret was no longer a secret and before the days end the whole school would know I was gay.And to make matters worse now Alex knew that I liked him and I was sure he would hate me just like everyone else so I was alone and friendless once again.
Ok this is a story involving my OC couple Alex and Trip.
In this story Alex and Trip are in a cross between 80's and CGI styles.And these characters and story are all original to me.I really hope you enjoy this original story and don't forget to leave a comment.
Well that is partly due to the fact I wrote at 3am and I'm not really good with commas just yet,but I'm glad you like it and pointed out what I need to work on.
Well that is partly due to the fact I wrote at 3am and I'm not really good with commas just yet,but
I never fall asleep before 4-5 a.m. so I can't say as I understand the sentiment, but if you wanted me to go through and REALLY edit your work, just let me know. I've done a lot of writing of my own, though most of it stays on my laptop, and understand a lot of the finer points of writing. That's not to say, however, that I'm an expert by any means. I just have a college level education on the topic.
I never fall asleep before 4-5 a.m. so I can't say as I understand the sentiment, but if you wanted
Well at 3am I use to be half asleep that is when I wrote the rough version and tried to fix it.
Well I've done a good bit of righting myself but I never actually practiced writing one day the ability just popped up in my mind and I've been improving by doing my own work but also by co-writing with other writes to get a feel for different styles of writing.But I've always had problems with commas and the finer points.
Well at 3am I use to be half asleep that is when I wrote the rough version and tried to fix it. Wel
Now, if you really want to do some co-writing... well, I need help, to put it bluntly. Not enough inspiration... I'll think of something eventually here. I always do. But anyone who has taken to read any of my work could tell you, it's different.
Now, if you really want to do some co-writing... well, I need help, to put it bluntly. Not enough in
Some people use anthros, so do I. Some people use magic, so do I. Humans, elves, angels, demons; it's all fair game to me. But each one of these has it's own roots, legends, and so on. What I do is twist those legends into something that has a strange tendancy to piss people off. Depending on the story, someone always seems to find something to theaten me with eternal damnation over. <Shrugs> Oh well. Freedom of speach, the press, and expression, all roled into one, sometimes with a dab of freedom of religion.
Some people use anthros, so do I. Some people use magic, so do I. Humans, elves, angels, demons; it'