This is based on a true story of showing my best friend Ria (who is trans) that someone left a shout on my FA saying, I quote, "haha transphobe go brr" and then blocking me.
After a brief conversation with Ria, the two of us started laughing so hard we both almost passed the fuck out.
The conversation basically went,
Ria: "Yeah, it's really hard for me how transphobic you are. Every time I say anything you respond with '[REDACTED, VERY HORRIBLE SELF DEPRICATING TRANSPHOBIC JOKE]'"
Jay: "Lmfao, yeah, I'm like 'Thanks, [REDACTED, HORRIBLE TRANSPHOBIC SLUR], I appreciate your input!"
The both of us then laughed to fucking tears for like 40 minutes, just ask my stream who got to hear every bit of it.
So yeah no, confirmed, Jay's the biggest transphobe. All those trans friends he has and that trans girl he dated for 9 years can't stand it.
2 years, 7 months ago
05 Aug 2022 04:42 CEST
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