Fire: This one has a very silky coat and warm ear fur. Make for a good snuggle buddy, or bed
Poison: This one tends to sift through trash and adorns themself with a coat of asbestos . If you choose this one, try not to breathe.
Bug: This nocturnal Lopunny tends to aimlessly explore their forest with a very carefree attitude. They can not resist the allure of any light fixture. (Based off the poodle moth)
Ground: This species is strangely enough, one of the most friendly, although they are incredibly shy. They always assume their appearance will frighten others and opt to hide themselves in the sands.
Fighting: With their loose, dangling furs, the Fighting Lopunny can detect even the smallest shift in the air, making predicting their opponents moves childsplay. These Lopunny take their training very seriously. (Based off Shaolin monks and design choices reference Chun-li)
Grass: This species tend to live isolated in the wilderness. They are incredibly self-sufficient and garner an immense amount of knowledge of the natural world. Their intellect sometimes surpasses man. (Based off a Druid with a few design choices to reference Hippies)
Steel: This species tends to live in large colonies with other pokemon. Their role will always be protection of any outside force, and they do not accept defeat. It’s best to be nice to them. (Based off the viking Shield Maidens)
Electric: This enigmatic species only appeared recently. Professors around the world though they disappeared 40 years ago. Through examining their abilities, it is theorized that this species has some sort of time manipulation ability that is hard for them to manage. (Synthwave rabbit)
Ghost: The Ghost variant, although rare, has been known to wander forests where people easily get lost. But unlike most ghosts, this one actually is benevolent and only wishes to help lost travelers find their way. If you encounter one, it just might save your life.
Rock: They claim high peaks as their territory and defend them using their special technique. Their gauntlets are affixed with a rare stone that allows them to move stone. Where they find these stones is still a mystery.
Water: It wears a protective layer of foam around its body. It’s normally not a good idea to try to pet one, because their babies can be hiding within the foam. (Based off the sea bunny)
Dragon: Found upon jagged cliff faces and steep fjords, this species thrives. They rarely travel far from home or leave their families. Professors have observed that their bonds are abnormally strong and they stake their lives wholly on loyalty alone.
Fairy: Until recently, most people didn’t know this species existed. There have always been stories about the smaller Lopunny species, with a strange assortment of appendages that hides away deep in forests. (Based off the Wolpertinger)
Psychic: It is said that this species is clairvoyant. So much so, that they choose to show off their psychic abilities by going about their lives with their eyes closed. Some people rumor that this species has the power to alter fate itself (Based off of the Capricorn star sign)
Dark: Professors around the world continue to be baffled by this pokemon’s ability to manipulate luck. A professor even once challenged a Lopunny to a few casino games. Not only did the Lopunny clean him out, it then continues to clean out the entire Game Corner. From that day forward, you were no longer allowed to bring Lopunny into a Game Corner
Flying: This species is malicious. It uses its power over wind to terrify other pokemon, cause storms and avalanches, all whilst laughing maniacally. There is even reports of this pokemon stealing pokemon eggs and holding them for ransom. (Based off of the demon Lamashtu)
Ice: Do not be fooled! This Lopunny is made out of hardened, ice cold fur, not ice-cream. Some have tried to lick it, only for them to get their tongues stuck. The Lopunny will then mock its victim by licking them back and chuckling. Not exactly evil…. Just a dick move. (It’s Icecream….I had no ideas for this one. And I didn’t want to be boring and just put Lopunny in a winter coat.)
video games
long ears
2 years, 7 months ago
04 Aug 2022 23:18 CEST
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