Draw Whatever YOU want to draw. Regardless of the possibility that some PURITANICAL IDIOT will try to shame you for it. Who cares if it's "problematic?" Only Twitter & Tumblr Idiots care about that. It's YOUR art, not theirs. So draw what makes YOU happy! If you wanna draw Bugs screwing Babs without age-ing up the younger character, GO FOR IT.
It's FICTION, and FICTION doesn't directly affect reality!
Also -- any website that creates silly rules against Cub Art or Feral Art or Pokemon Art (**cough-FA-cough**) -- Is just a very STUPID website... and they deserve to fade into furry history and be abandoned.
Ne laissez jamais une personne ou un site web vous dire ce que vous pouvez ou ne pouvez pas dessiner. Si l'on vous dit que c'est « problématique », dessinez-en davantage. Ils n'ont pas le droit de vous donner des ordres. Vous êtes l'artiste, dessinez ce qui vous rend heureux. La fiction est incapable d'affecter la réalité. Tu n'es pas une mauvaise personne parce que tu dessines de jolis animaux en train de faire l'amour.
Ne laissez jamais une personne ou un site web vous dire ce que vous pouvez ou ne pouvez pas dessiner
I grew up with the original show, too. All this backlash against them being twins is beyond me. To me, it's such a non-issue being made into a whole thing. It's not like the show will depict them doing incestuous stuff. Just watch the damn show and judge for yourself if it's any good afterwards.
And if you, the viewer, whoever you may be, despise incest content on sites such as Inkbunny and e621, there's a keyword to block.
I grew up with the original show, too. All this backlash against them being twins is beyond me. To m
The main issue is that because the reboot is portraying Buster and Babs as siblings, people are saying it is going to cause people who see TTL first, then see TTA, will accuse TTA of glorifying incest, especially since TTA had episodes and moments where the two dated.
It's not about the idea, it's more about how it will affect how people see the original Tiny Toon Adventures, especially younger kids who never saw it, but will watch Looniversity.
The main issue is that because the reboot is portraying Buster and Babs as siblings, people are sayi