Jev’s mallet sent the wooden ball tumbling across the closely cropped turf of the croquet lawn. A perfect spring breeze tickled the silver rabbit’s large ears.
Her friend Clover, a black wolf, padded across the grass after her ball in her stocking feet. “Pretty day,” she observed.
“Beautiful day,” Jev agreed.
“So what’d you think of the math assignment?” Jev asked casually.
“Hmm? Oh, I haven’t done it yet.”
Jev paused. “Clover, it’s due tomorrow.”
“I know.”
“And you’re out here playing?” Jev queried uncertainly. The Academy sternly discouraged that sort of irresponsibility.
“Jev, look around,” Clover spun, setting her Dark Blue dress swishing, “Days this perfect only come along a few times in a lifetime. I don’t want to spend them cooped up inside when I could be out enjoying them with you.”
“But what about sacrifice? What about duty? Clover, what about the Rules?”
“Jev,” Clover stepped closer to her friend to look at her eye-to-eye, “Some things are more important than the Rules.” She quickly kissed her speechless lapine friend on her silver cheek.
Smiling to herself, Clover planted her feet and lined up her next shot.
Art by Decolor Domina, posted with permission. You can find it in his gallery at Characters Jev and Clover are mine; it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy seeing them brought to life so splendidly. They are students at the Bulconian Academy of Gonerra, a rather conservative boarding school for young ladies. They also appear in my stories Best Friends (appropriate for all audiences) and Soul Mates (mature audiences only).
I have no good excuse for not uploading this here earlier.
I read the text and am gratified that they didn't end whaling away at each other with croquet mallets ! Too many of your stories end with ritual murder and probably cannibalism !
I find civilizations with Predator & Prey rankings an aberration !
I read the text and am gratified that they didn't end whaling away at each other with croquet mallet