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IDW Sonic problem with morals


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Issue 50 just dropped, and to put it lightly I'm not happy with it. So far the comic was more or less manageable, the morals were easy to ignore, but issue 50 makes it impossible. I have made this comic to illustrate the problem. Please enjoy (or not).

Type: Comic
Published: 2 years, 8 months ago
Rating: Mature

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2 years, 8 months ago
Hahahaha! What did I just read? XD
2 years, 8 months ago
I'm pretty sure that the Sega management is mostly the reason behind it, I remember that they had some very strict rules for the Archie comics so it would make sense they were brought into the IDW one's from the start.
2 years, 8 months ago
That's unlikely, Flynn likes to flex with how he has 99% creative control, so I don't think we can put this on SEGA.
2 years, 8 months ago
Not only what Krazyelf said. Sonic only does this stuff under Flynn's pen. This is how Flynn wants to write him
2 years, 8 months ago
yeah idw has a way to fuck you up mentaly...
cram went full on "give me a wispeon i end eggman myself"
im pretty sure surge comes back. tho
but hey what if belle now starts to glitch out and goes badnik at random moments, wouldnt that be fitting?
i am however realy sad for kit, he went totaly FUBAR  
2 years, 8 months ago
Yep. Didn't read IDW comics yet but that is a common issue not just for Sonic but for a huge variety of media. Like Batman villains, constantly escaping the jail to cause more harm and destruction again and again. As for Sonic - really tired of Robotnik's character. Dude caused myriad of disastrous events, genocides, world shattering etc and never faced a proper repercussion. More to that - story constantly circling back to new Robotnik's evil plan causing new disaster. If some medium is so moral what it do not allow bad guys to experience real punishment, I have questions for its morality...
2 years, 8 months ago
With heroes like Batman and Superman, there's an argument to be made that it's not their place to kill those monsters. Society decides to put them in jail instead of executing them, society could just kill them next time they go on a killing spree, but they don't. Change the laws that keep these monsters alive, or deal with the consequences. Batman, Superman, and similar no-kill superheroes at least put those monsters behind bars, it's not their fault the bars are too permeable. While I personally think that at some point you should just break the rules and kill those villains to stop them ever murdering innocents again, I at least understand why they would not.

I assume Sonic in these comics doesn't even put them behind bars for whatever reason (like maybe there isn't a society that could imprison them, or maybe he's just that stupid that he lets them go without even handing them over to the police), and that's what the complaint here is about.
2 years, 8 months ago
To me it's kinda logical trap, because what we see is not the true actions of the heroes nor the world rules in the background, it's the plot, written and driven by screen-writers and curated by editorial staff with their own agendas, shaped by business practices. Too many people and processes of pure economical nature between the reader and the story.
I believe it is a market situation, i.e. "best practice", various media publishers cornered themselves in. They played safe game to make sales and avoid scandals and thus shifted moral paradigm of generations, hence why so many people take it at face value.
That's why I love manga - more control is in hands of a single author(though maybe with some patronage at times). And thus - way more plots, balances and situations. While western writers fighting with the machine in order to entwine at least tolerable story.
P.S. In Sonic comics villains were actually pretty often being thrown behind bars. Doesn't change the eternal loop.
2 years, 4 months ago
It's been said once that all human culture is useless, since at every stage of history, all ideologies and religions were culminating in raising just another dictator. I'm honestly beginning to think that it's not so radical to think so.
2 years, 4 months ago
Well, if I were to chose between Pol Pot and Hun Sen, I would pick Sen any day a week lol xD
So yeah, I think human culture is anything but useless. Human population, poverty and violence rates shows that clearly enough. It's just difference in perception, we get sad because noodles are too saggy or someone unintentionally insulted us in the internet, while 200 years ago people get sad because there were nothing to eat that day and their relative died of dysentery the day prior.
Not like people should rest at ease and let it flow, we should just turn the spotlight on actual problems instead of made up nonsense, latest craze and insignificant whims.
2 years, 8 months ago
Just like Eggman when he had second thoughts about blowing up Earth at the ARK (If I remember correctly, I haven't played SA2 in a long time)

Like bro, You already blew up the moon possibly ruining the earth's atmosphere forever. lol  
2 years, 8 months ago
Eggman only did it for show. He never intended to actually use the Eclipse Cannon on the Earth, because he knew people would give him what he asked for, in the face of inescapable destruction. Besides, if he blew up the Earth, what was he going to be able to rule? Nothing. Maybe the chunks of rock that were left? The ARK itself?
2 years, 8 months ago
i agree with this lol. i havent read issue 50 yet, but this reminds me of the whole metal virus arc XD
2 years, 8 months ago
I remember when Sega introduced Shadow in his own game. The art on the box showed him holding not a Buck Rogers-style zap gun but a .45 auto, and in the game he used it and other weapons to mow down bad guys like Rambo. Parents went apeshit and Sega vowed not to get that type of outcry again. So Sonic and Co have to adhere to the same rules as most superhero comics that refuse to let the heroes go lethal on villains. If you think about it, it's ridiculous. How many lives could Batman have saved if he killed the Joker?
2 years, 8 months ago
Not being able to kill villains doesn't mean you have to have the heroes let genocidal monsters go thinking they will become good on their own.
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
Sonic never kills regular folks or drags them to prison himself. Prisons exist and Sonic isn't seen breaking people out so he's not against others doing that either. You can either rationalize this as him believing in redemption or doing it just for another chance at a fun fight, either one only works in a world where consequences like this can be avoided by timely rescues. Even Metal Virus, as dark as it got, had zero casualties. It's a kid's comic so expecting realism like that is just asking for disappointment.
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
i just had a good time reading this lollll
2 years, 8 months ago
I'm sorry, but this is perfect!

I do read the comics on the internet from time to time. I'll be watching to see if Shadow does do something stupid in the comics. Then we can come back to the second last panel. It'll be some nice foreshadowing if it happens.
2 years, 8 months ago
Reminds me so much of Goku and Vegeta. (The actual anime and the abridged version)
2 years, 8 months ago
I remember seeing a comic where Sonic disowns Tails and has him imprisoned because he killed Eggman. Couldn't help but think "this is the dumbest shit imaginable"
2 years, 8 months ago
Same thing with Batman. Let's just keep throwing killers into an asylum they keep escaping from.
2 years, 8 months ago
I honestly DESPISE stories of forgiveness for unforgivable actions
2 years, 8 months ago
I love this and I love you
2 years, 8 months ago
While I am sad to see you upset about Sonic, I will respect your opinion because I have not read the comics myself
2 years, 8 months ago
This needs to be animated and with voice acting.
2 years, 8 months ago
This is basically Batman: Under the Red Hood, chibi anime addition.
2 years, 8 months ago
Someone call The Punisher.

At least he gets shit done.
2 years, 8 months ago
Frank Castle hasn't made the slightest impact on the criminal world in the Marvel universe.  For every criminal he kills, two more just pop up later.  And supervillains either come back from the dead or become legacy characters, so again, killing them is pointless.  
2 years, 8 months ago
But here is the thing. The Punisher knows this. He knows his war on crime is never ending and it will eventually end with him dying. He doesn't believe that he will one day stop all crime. What he hopes he is doing is stopping some people from becoming criminals and stopping innocents from being killed.

Also, you can't say his methods are completely ineffective, because if they were... The following things wouldn't happen:
1. Frank wouldn't build a level of infamy within the Marvel Universe and draw attention from other heroes if his kill streaks did absolutely nothing. Other heroes would also not bother teaming up with him on occasion if his methods were indeed useless.

2. Castle had eradicated several crime families from top to bottom and also scared off others from New York City in several pieces of media. Would a crime family just pick up the pieces and leave a city if this vigilante was ineffective? I don't think so.

3. The Punisher's actions have throughout history caused many power shifts within organized crime. How? The appliance of firepower.

There are criminals and baddies out there who are simply irredeemable scum, and we thankfully have anti-heroes like Frank to clean those off the streets permanently instead of letting a boy scout just shove them off to prison and then have them continue mess things up.

I will argue that you are incorrect in saying that he hasn't made even a slight impact on crime. He has. More than you think.
2 years, 4 months ago
So we need to erase all life in general so there won't be a chance for its' worst side to go on, is that a solution? I think exploding one half of humanity's nuclear bombs will ensure that our planet will become just like every other: cold, foggy, lifeless, and so grandiose. We humans never had life being done right, no reason to suddenly starting.
2 years, 8 months ago
My biggest problem with this problem is that we’re seeing it in comic form, we can’t exactly yell at sonic for being lenient with people when like: He befriended Knuckles who bitch slapped him out of super and tried to kill him repeatedly, had a weird rivalry with fang who has a gun, befriended Shadow after his whole trying to kill the world thing,,, twice. (Once was because of his evil dad but semantics) and hell even SILVER who tried to MURDER HIM straight up, and accidentally caused a dark god to rise the fuck up and nearly destroy all of time.
The problem really is just “We can’t control Sonic’s actions/we can’t play the boss fights”

I think the only person he hasn’t like
Auto forgiven in the end was maybe Gamma? Although he doesn’t mind Omega. Again this is game sonic and game sonic usually doesn’t attempt murder unless it’s the final straw and Surge doesn’t really hit that box for him yet (I do agree being PISSED about him letting the zeti go but he literally launched them back home, so that’s punishment enough for those fuckers)

So it’s not “oh he’s letting murderers go Scott free” it’s “I’ve been through this by now, if Surge 180’s I don’t want her to die and then get amnesia and then we get the black arms part 2”

At least in my opinion that’s what’s going on
2 years, 8 months ago
modern sonic writing blows
2 years, 8 months ago
Which is kind of funny to hear be said when Iizuka himself likes the way Flynn writes Sonic.
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, it would've been better if the reason Shawdow got caught and screwed wasn't because he was being egotisitical, but instead it would be because he was protecting Sonic, himself, from getting overwhelmed. More collateral damage caused by Sonic's naivete, then the thing with Espio later could be a real tipping point.
2 years, 8 months ago
ngl bad guy be kinda hot
2 years, 8 months ago
And now Ian Flynn is going to be a significant voice in Sonic Frontiers's story. Oh boy.

I've said it long ago, I'll say it again -- Sonic Archie hasn't gone away. And now, its team is like a cancerous tumor inside the Sonic franchise. A tumor nobody wants to take the responsibility of surgically removing, or irradiating with chemo.
2 years, 8 months ago
This isn't really accurate, Sonic doesn't just let people go unchallenged, he makes sure they're at least not an immediate threat before moving on.  He made sure the Zeti were sent back to lost hex where they'd be contained, Rough and Tumble were sent to prison, and everyone else was otherwise rendered harmless for the moment.  Eggman and Starline are the one's clever or powerful enough to actually escape him.  Sonic isn't judge, jury, and executioner, he is trusting the actual legal authorities (which DO exist in that world) to do the judgement and sentencing.

This isn't even an original argument, think of Batman, Superman, or any superhero that isn't some edge-lord or anti-hero, they DON'T kill, it's just not a thing they do.
2 years, 8 months ago
and thats why people hate superheroes lmfao
2 years, 8 months ago
Yeah, I can't take super heroes seriously.
2 years, 6 months ago
Superheroes aren't as much of a problem as the judicial system in the superhero universe. In any sane universe Joker would be executed immediately for his crimes the moment batman handed him over. Or hell, a cop would end up shooting him and saying he resisted arrest in transit as payback for him murdering 100 police officers the week before.

Instead they just lock up all the SUPER POWERED CRIMINALS in jail, where they repeatedly break out again. It's like sticking them in a cardboard box. I can agree to the superhero's being no kill, provided once they ARE captured that they are dealt with appropriately. Superman taking down a mass murdering bomber and the police completely botching it afterward is what is unacceptable imo. Their entire judicial system is a joke. Apparently every crime family is untouchable because you can't get evidence to arrest them, every super powered criminal and his mom breaks out of jail on a weekly basis, and the parole boards give anyone who says "I'm really REALLY sorry this time" a parole.
2 years, 6 months ago
I think we're kind of butting into the practicalities of storytelling.  Yes, in a truly realistic story the arch villains would be dealt with quite permanently, but then what?  You can't use that character anymore and you can't just keep introducing new characters every time because you'd either get absurd escalation or people would stop finding them interesting because they aren't with them long enough to get attached.  The comic series would end after a few issues, which just isn't how comic books work.  There is a term for this, "suspension of disbelief," where we the audience have to accept something unrealistic in return for getting an entertaining story.  If you can't do that, then maybe you shouldn't be reading comic books.
2 years, 8 months ago
Reminds me of Batman going batshit on Superman after he killed Joker in Injustice, after Joker literally nuked Metropolis and killed Lois btw, that's why anti-heroes are on the rise, they can be heroes without this moral bs that keeps heroes from actually being heroes.
2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
I never liked IDW Sonic since day 1. First arc was boring, trite and repetitive, especially with how it treated Shadow EXACTLY as portrayed here lol
Then it rehashed Heroes but worse. Then we got the GOD-AWFUL Zombot arc, an insufferable melodrama that dragged on longer than it should have, tried too hard to hype the Zeti and Perry the Platypus with the Infinity Gauntlet. I've lost since track because of how trash this was, but good to see more people realizing it. Even the new characters are either bland or bad copies of Archie characters (Surge = female Scourge)
2 years, 8 months ago
Bad people suck!  =P
2 years, 8 months ago
This is like the worst take on Sonic I've ever seen.  He's SUPERMAN, not the PUNISHER.  Sorry, dude. Love your art, but you should delete this immediately.  It's embarrassing for you.

Yes, in my ALL-AGES comic, I want to see Sonic commit cold-blooded murder on an emotionally-damaged, brainwashed person who clearly isn't entirely in their right mind and teach the lesson to kids that it's okay to kill people who are hurting rather than trying to understand them and talk them down.

Because that's good morality right there.
2 years, 8 months ago
It's not like there isn't precedent for this in other Sonic media, either.  In Archie Comics' Sonic #200, Sonic's latest victory over Eggman leaves the Mad Doctor Mentally Broken, and an honestly regretful Sonic leaves a mind-broken Eggman in Snively's care, not knowing that Snively is preparing the start of the Iron Dominion saga.

Sonic isn't a cold-blooded killer.  He'll knock you out, he'll shove you through a dimensional portal to get you out of his adopted hometown, he'll put you in a rocket to send you back to your homeworld with a warning, but generally?  Sonic doesn't go out of his way to actively hurt people any more than he has to.

Sonic honestly believes there's some good in everyone.  And considering Eggman was happily living as Mr Tinker before Dr Starline fucked things up?  He might not be wrong.  Now, Starline?  He most definitely got what he deserved.  And it wasn't at Sonic's hands.

Sonic the Hedgehog is an all-ages character, primarily aimed at kids.  And the last thing we need to do is teach kids it's okay to murder people they don't like.
2 years, 8 months ago
I think you're both being a little silly to pretend that the only options here are either complete forgiveness or cold blooded murder.
2 years, 8 months ago
TBH I think that's the point. My theory is a lot of Sonic fans want the series to be "deep" and "complex" so they like this worldview because it gives Sonic a specific world view. However they don't want to think about how childish, poorly thought out and non nonsensical it is, so they go to extremes to make it seem like this worldview makes sense even when it doesn't.
2 years, 8 months ago
I think King Arthur would disagree there.

Sonic gets told unambiguously that, in order to save Camelot, he will need to become "the slayer of kings" by Merlina, and he says "Guess I can't be the hero every time" and gets on with it. And then he slices what he believes is a human man in a suit of armour across the gut with a sword and celebrates afterwards.

Did Arthur turn out to be a demon-ghost-phantom-whatever? Yeah. Did Sonic know that when he went for a killing blow? Nope.
2 years, 8 months ago
Superman puts people in prison. Not believe they will turn good at some point so we should just leave them free.

Also you do realize there is more than 2 options to deal with villains right?
2 years, 8 months ago
Except that at no point in the IDW Sonic has just "let his enemies go."  When Eggman had lost his memories and was acting as Mr Tinker, Sonic let him be because he wasn't being a threat.  When Sonic let Metal Sonic go at the end of the Angel Island battle, Metal Sonic was barely functioning and was no immediate threat.  If it hadn't been for Starline abducting Mr Tinker and putting him in a location Metal Sonic eventually found his way at, triggering Eggman's memories returning, both would've remained inactive threats.  Sonic is not to blame here, Starline is, and Sonic had no idea Starline even existed.

Then you have the Zeti, and after Sonic beat the crap out of them, he just shoved them all into a rocket to fire them back to their homeworld, so again, he actively did something.
2 years, 8 months ago
Except he does let Metal go. No him being disarmed doesn't matter when Metal still wants to be evil.

Even without getting into Tinker when Eggman came back and Sonic still had the thought of believing he could be good. And with issue 50, he has now confirmed he's willingly not trying to do anything to capture Eggman.

The Zeti at best is a half measure, because sending them back to the lost hex, unmonitored and unsecured means they just need one person to break them out and they are right back where we started and Sonic and co won't know about it until after they've attacked.
2 years, 8 months ago
Sonic has never willingly tried to capture Eggman in the games, even in situations where he's right by him. He'll destroy whatever machine he's cooked up but that's it. At the end of Heroes, Sonic just left Metal and told him to come back for a rematch. This is something the games already did for decades which is why I find it weird why people are bugging out about it now in the comic.
2 years, 8 months ago
And? Tbh I was fine with just going with it because it's a cartoon universe with mainstay villain characters. It's like getting mad at Ash for not having Team Rocket arrested.

The problem is in IDW actively tries to rationalize why they shouldn't do anything towards the villains even when they have no reason and plenty of opportunities to do so. Like letting Metal go.
2 years, 8 months ago
Letting Metal go was an optimistic gamble on Sonic's part. Eggman was gone and no one could repair or weaponize him fully except Tails. It ending badly because of a third party isn't Sonic's fault. And the only thing taken off the table is killing. That's what Surge meant by "ending" and what Sonic was against. The cast is fully open to jail. Zavok, Rough, Tumble, and Mimic have all been put in jail and Sonic never protested that. The only time Eggman could arguably be put in jail was after Sonic got transported to Blaze's world but he escaped Shadow with the help of Metal and at the very end when Sonic came back but he escaped in his egg mobile. There was never an opportunity to put Starline in jail. The D6 was blasted off back to their planetoid where they had no means to return so that's a prison already.
2 years, 8 months ago
I agree.Surge was brainwashed by Dr.Starline to hate Sonic from day 1,without being given a chance to think for herself.Frankly,she deserves to be free to decide for herself who she wants to be.
2 years, 8 months ago
this makes me not wanna read the comics if the writing is as ludicrous as your parody here.
2 years, 8 months ago
On the subject of offing villains, didn't Sonic kill the original Robotnick after the Doc had nuked Knothole village? This was in the original Archie comics run, and it's been a long time ago. Does anyone know for sure?
2 years, 8 months ago
No, Snively killed Robotnik. Sonic MAY have killed him had Snively not, since Robotnik had just nuked Knothole, but we don't know for sure. But Archie very much should not be your go-to to if you want examples of Sonic being willing to off his enemies. There were MULTIPLE times in the first 50 issues at least where Sonic could've either jailed or killed Robotnik, and he was literally let go without consequence. And arguably, Robotnik had done far worse to Sonic in the Archie series than he ever did in the games.
2 years, 8 months ago
He's really becoming Goku.  Fight to save people then let the bad guy go with no consequences.  
2 years, 8 months ago
This seems like it's missing the point of issue 50 completely. The strawman in this comic is a mass-murderer, meanwhile the only character Sonic fights in issue 50 is Surge, who hasn't killed a single person. Basically the only bad things she's done so far were things she was ordered to do by Starline, who brainwashed her. The whole point of the Imposter Syndrome comic is that Surge and Kit are victims, and Starline is the real villain. And Starline apparently DIES in this issue, so you got what you wanted!

"Oh but she's angry and mean and she said she would destroy the world" uh huh, and how would she go about doing that? She literally has no idea! She's got no robot army or doomsday weapon. She's powerful, yeah, but Sonic almost beat her by himself, if he joined up with his friends they'd make short work of her. She's just an angry teenager lashing out after being abused. Surge's goal of killing everyone isn't scary, it's pitiful. There's no way she can accomplish it but she has no idea what else to do with herself.

I mean, maybe you could have made this argument like 2 years ago in the storyline where Sonic let Eggman go, but this just reads like you want Sonic to turn into the Punisher because you want edgy violence for its own sake.
2 years, 8 months ago
This isn't about Surge. This is about Sonic.
Surge isn't the problem. If anything she's the victim who deserves to kick Sonic's teeth in at this point.

This is about criticizing Sonic's treatment of villains. Surge points out that Sonic's inaction towards the villains led to her getting kidnapped and suffering. Sonic then explains that even villains deserve the freedom to make their own choices, as he has done with Metal and Eggman, because he assumes they can turn good regardless of evidence. Like he does in the comic.
2 years, 8 months ago
I feel like everyone's forgotten that the last game that had a good writer literally had a cutscene where Sonic slices what he believes is a human in armour across the gut with a sword and then celebrates the kill.
2 years, 8 months ago
and it was badass as fuck
2 years, 8 months ago
It was!
2 years, 8 months ago
And then he goes on to spare Merlina, who was in the process of turning the world into a nightmarish hellscape that would've killed god knows how many. Black Knight really isn't the counter-example you wanna use here.
2 years, 8 months ago
I learned long ago you normally let go of things like this in comics of any kind.
Batman knows his sanity is a fine line and refuses to be a killer as he feels like if he starts or allows it on his watch he will never stop.
Superman is a boy scout and is 100% faithful to the legal system (don't trust comic legal systems for a reason folks.)
Sonic, for the most part, is VERY forgiving in nature, look at most of his friends, they all tried to kill him, or otherwise harm him. He likewise has faith in his legal system, though he did forgive an amnesiac Eggman, who honestly did look like he was turning a new leaf without his madness. Besides Sonic isn't a killer, Shadow is 100% and you are spot on about the writers with him and his arguments with sonic.
We also as readers have insights the comics do not.
The true moral here and in comics are. The legal system has issues sometimes.
2 years, 8 months ago
1) Except even Batman and Superman believe in jail.
2) you do realize there is more options to deal with villains rather than killing them or blindly believing any villain can turn good
2 years, 8 months ago
I didn't say they didn't for one. as for two, yes there are ways of handling it other than the most common, just their the most common.
I did not mean to paint a picture of going Murder Hobo on everyone and everything. Am simply stating comics tends to make jail/legal system/ and even death. A bit of a joke.
2 years, 8 months ago
But why should Sonic go inthe opposite direction and Eggman can turn after trying to kill his friends and took the world through 2 apocalypses, 3 by proxy?
2 years, 8 months ago
one could say the same thing about Steven Universe and MLP:FIM
2 years, 8 months ago
I mean, Sonic and friends do keep letting Robotnik off with not much more than a bitch slap even though he wants to do everything up to destroying the world. I kind of like that they brought Shadow into the series as someone willing to actually crack some skulls, but now he's practically just Edgy Hedgie.
2 years, 8 months ago
But why should the in universe logic be they think Eggman can turn good after he just got done with 2 apocalypses, instead of he just got away?
2 years, 8 months ago
also known as the joker problem
2 years, 8 months ago
Death is not the way
There are fates worse than death
If Sonic leave a remarkable injuries or pains, enemies will remember their actions and fear it
But since Sonic respect their freedom, they may change or not at all, it up to them
Killing only make him fall to the dark side faster, no helping to prove he's right
Unless the enemies is beyond salvation, then he have the right to kill
These petty criminals!? Remember, there's always a light in the darkness, and vice versa, to control the sides
You will figure what I mean eventually
2 years, 8 months ago
Are the only two options killing and letting people go?
2 years, 8 months ago
Sonic is more likely to let people go
Because he doesn't need to take action, one day, karma will take them
They always say: Reap what you sowed
In this case, the murderer like to kill people with a gun, he will get his back someday, eventually

Can't escape karma, it's inevitable for everything
2 years, 8 months ago
And all the people that get hurt until Sonic or karma stop them?
2 years, 8 months ago
Their lives won't go unpunished, it will be recorded for the murderer's crime once he gets a hand on him
An example he kills 100 people, he will feel the pain of that amount of people pains combine
And if I am the punisher, you can't imagine what I will do to him

As I said, there're fates worse than death
2 years, 8 months ago
3 reasons why that makes no sense
1) That's not the comic is going for. Sonic has let his villains go twice under the assumption they will turn good. Not because he beat them up so much.
2) IDW definitely can't claim that because he has the worst solo win record of all of them. He's never gotten a blow out win except for Tumble. So he can't claim he beats the villains up enough to do that.
3) Are you really trying to argue that it's ok to let a serial killer go free after killing if they're beat up by the cops enough? Even ignoring that's not enough to make up for loss of live, that does nothing to prevent them from out and doing it again. In this case they definitely will go out again.
2 years, 8 months ago
It's only more pointless to keep arguing
We should end here, doesn't mean you win or I win
Nothing gained from this for both sides
Each individual has different points of view

Sorry for causing a mess around here
2 years, 8 months ago
Yep. This is true in IDW sonic comic.
2 years, 8 months ago
I only like this side of him in the case of Metal Sonic, Sonic knows Metal is programmed to be evil, to follow Eggman's orders and carry out whatever fucked up mission the doctor has for him. Metal Sonic enjoys trying to prove he's better than Sonic in every way but like Sonic, I don't believe if it were truly up to him that Metal would continue serving Eggman in order to do so, and that he'd forge his own path. Metal Sonic showed signs of personality before and the doctor programmed it out of him with software and fail-safes to keep him loyal. Does that mean he deserves to go free at Sonic's choice? PROBABLY not, but I like that the blue dude wants to let HIM decide, even if he really technically can't.
2 years, 7 months ago
I guess I'm glad I stopped caring about IDW comics long time ago then
2 years, 6 months ago
Shadow let the Mr. Tinker thing slide because Sonic gave him bedroom eyes and everyone knows Shadows big lesbian crush on Sonic is his kryptonite.
2 years, 1 month ago
Hahaha this funny XD Silly Sonic
1 year, 11 months ago
I once read somewhere that the true purpose of art is to spark conversation.

You've certainly done that!  A lot of great insight into the whole issue of heroes, villians and what is justice going on in this one (four?) post.

Well done again.
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