I awoke one morning a weak before my birthday and came down to find a mysterious wrapped package on my doorstep. There were no tags but it was a present clearly meant for me, so I figured what's the harm in opening it early?
So I opened it up, not sure of what to expect...but inside all I could see was a weird pink orb that glinted a bit in the light! However, magic started generating from within, causing the orb to electrify and float!
I grunted as I was zapped by the magical aura the mysterious orb was giving off. My ears started to lengthen, unnoticed, as my hand turned into a dark red hoof!
I turned my attention to my backside as pressure built in my lower spine and a hairy red tail burst from my pajama bottoms!
My new tail grew larger, causing more rips in my pajamas. I grunted as my face pushed out into a muzzle and my pajama buttons barely hung on as my frame increased in girth!
Once again, my back was subjected to my attention as odd lumps formed around my shoulders. Two giant, feathered wings made short work of my pajama top as they broke free from the weak fabric!
The buttons on my pajama top couldn't hold back any longer as my chest continued to push out, and they broke off with several pops. My new, thicker arms and larger legs shredded my sleeves and pant legs as well!
My favorite slippers were the last to go as two giant hooves pushed against their fronts until they finally burst from the pressure! I screamed in surprise.
And as the last of my pajamas was shaken off my body, an odd mark appeared on my flank, one of two golden wings and three marks indicating wind.
I stood up on my hind legs, unsure what to make of this! I had become a Pegasus Pony, like one you might see on MLP, and my name was now Golden Wind. The orb, actually a Pearl of Transformation, now remained dormant, no magic left to change me back!