There is not one day I don't go,
with out thinking of you.
There is not one day my heart,
does not long for your touch.
My soul begs for the day,
when we can stay.
Were I can hold you
and love you for ever.
I am alone with out you,
This mutch you know is true.
How can I go on living?
How can I go on breathing?
For with out you,
My life is meaningless.
I know you will be there to pick me up,
should I fall.
You are my happly after all.
I been dreeming
I have been seeing
Of the day our love comes true.
How can I live on?
How can I be strong?
For you are
for you are,
The one who holds my heart.
There will be a day,
Were we will play
Together under the same stars
I will always pray,
For that day,
when we are together once and for all!