The first major piece of concept art for the newly named "Foxen: A Tale of Socks," a dorky game about adventures as a cute lil fox family in a silly world of dorky peril.
Mica is the primary character you start the game as, the daughter of Quartz and Gypsum, and she's a smol budding alchemist with a gift for mixing elemental brews and an insatiable appetite for pumpkin spice, caramel apples, popcorn balls and of course, her favorite, candy corn.
This little Halloween type deal never shows her hands, and carries objects on her head, bomping them around to her teammates like a soccer headbomp pass.
She's extremely curious, adventurous, and loves her mom n' dad. She's always willing to help her mom, Quartz, with her gadget tinkering, and her dad, Gypsum, with his forge work.
Her feets haven't gotten big enough for shoes to actually stay on, so for now she just wears socks, which makes her ideal for any stealth segments.
(I will be making a blog entirely dedicated to the production of Foxen, eventually putting out a full advertisement and recruitment flier to try and assemble an indie dev team and bring Foxen: A Tale of Socks to a Steam near you! For now, please enjoy the concept art I'll be working on for the next while!)
(To those wondering: Likely a T or M rating for cartoony violence, blood, peril and the villain is gonna have some cleavage going on, but it will not be a pornographic game at all, don't you worry Yuri.)