Character Sheet for Shen Sirknight
Character Description
After being transformed, Shen (as he now calls himself) is only searching for meaning.
Calm, unless his buttons are pressed too consistently for too long. Generally tries to agree with people, and might drop out of the conversation if he can't. Somewhat low self-esteem, despite his best efforts.
Likes: Latex/Rubber, bondage, hypnosis, femdom, droneDom (being dominated by a drone)/techDom
Dislikes: Excessive fluff, filth, and noise; being squeezed into overly narrow spaces
Once human, Shen has been transformed by a rogue science experiment, after which many details of this former life were lost.
His human family, with whom he wasn't close and has no contact.
Mostly pale, with upper bodies in the shape of a low-cut long-sleeve shirt.
Cherry-red catsuit with built-in high heels, and silver metal belt.
Pair of prescription glasses.