Parental Control (Part 2)
Last time...
"Montana, dear, we can't just force our way to change the school's behavior. We don't have the skills and besides, the school is bent on behaving differently," protested Kelly's mom.
"Here's what I'm thinking, Kelly. We'll let the police know about this one. It's a tall order considering the nature of the police here, but if we can get them to believe how bad the school is, they can have it shut down for good," explained Montana.
"Not even my sister can stop this one. She's too wrapped up in that perv, Kyle to care about what we're doing," smirked Kelly.
"You have a pervert at the school?" questioned Montana.
"Try multiple pervs. Just give them a gluttony girl and they'll have eyes larger than the state of Texas. It makes me sick thinking about it. My sister is probably the biggest offender. They can't get enough of her," corrected Kelly.
"This is more serious than I thought. Well at least we'll get things straightened out. Time to make a phone call," remarked Montana.
"Calorie Estates Patrol. What's the nature of the emergency?" answered an officer.
"We have a situation over at All-Time High. There's suspicious activity regarding the nature of the school and some of its students," stated Montana.
"Violence? Murder? Harassment? What?" asked the officer.
"Questionable rules and a small amount of harassment," confirmed Montana.
"We'll see what we can do," assured the officer. [Later that day....]
"This is it, Kelly. We should get a phone call back any minute with the news we've been waiting for," smiled Montana.
"There's the phone. I'll get it. It's for you, dad," stated Kelly.
"Yes? Oh, hi. What? There was nothing wrong with the school's behavior? How on earth could that be?" replied Montana.
"The school checked out. There wasn't any behavior of the sort going on at the school. They were just normal students. Call back when you have more to report," stated the officer.
"Even the police are siding with the school," frowned Kelly.
"We won't give up just yet. I have a new plan," assured Montana.
"Question number two. What do you like the most about our school?" questioned Mrs. Weighsaton.
"I like that it tries to be different than what is typical for a school like having learning be fun," admitted Persephone.
"I like the variety of the classes. We don?t have the same classes every day so people can get a break from classes they don?t like as much," stated Samantha.
"Last question. How do you intend on making your promises come to fruition?" continued Mrs. Weighsaton.
"I know it won?t be easy, but I?d talk it up to the staff to see what suggestions I could offer them for both lunch and recess. It may not necessarily work, but I?d press on until some sort of agreement was reached," explained Persephone.
"Painting would be my goal. I?d bring in buckets of paint and/or posters to put up. The walls are pretty bare right now. Each wall would have a different color scheme, and I?d do it before school started so there?d be no risk of anyone getting coated with paint," answered Samantha.
"What a debate this has been. I?ll have the results next week. Have fun at lunch," remarked Mrs. Weighsaton.
"About time. I?m starved. That really worked up my appetite," sighed Persephone.