It didn't kill him. But it did drive Edsel insane making the thing... By the end of the game he was in, Edsel was barely able to function as a person :D
It didn't kill him. But it did drive Edsel insane making the thing... By the end of the game he was
Maybe i could do that? draw your outline first and then add details for the actual colored version, but it'd have to be abit later maybe, 1 char though so shouldnt be too difficult, demi or furry
Hmm. Maybe i could do that? draw your outline first and then add details for the actual colored ver
Sorry for not replying for abit falling behind on comments pre and during vacay i think @.@
No it hasnt really gotten anywhere, i guess we might have to revisit it later, and in present sense with the mass comms i took to help my pal i'll be a little busy to do it for awhile, but i guess when things calm down if you still want it lemme know again when you commish me haha
Sorry for not replying for abit falling behind on comments pre and during vacay i think @.@ No it h
We could probably yeah, im catching up with my stuff a touch so, Was gonna be Demi floof in this pose but fully drawn right? and then just the normal text and ritual look around them?
We could probably yeah, im catching up with my stuff a touch so, Was gonna be Demi floof in this pos