All the lines are one brush and I used solid black for the paint color. I picked a brush that was pressure sensitive so I could draw very light for light gray lines, or draw over my lines to make them steadily darker. This brush has fuzzy edges so it looks like pencil strokes.
Then I found a reference photo and "worked big to small", meaning I figured out the body silhouette and proportions before I did any of the details. Circle for the head, triangles for ears, bean shape for the body, no fur details yet. These are in light pencil so I just draw over them later to add detail.
From there I worked carefully over each body part, studying my reference fox a lot, drawing and erasing each arm or leg or paw until I liked how it looked. The final pop was using a selection tool to select the grass, sky and wall and give them darker shades to help viewers see them as one shape each, and so just the foxy was brightest so all the attention would be on him.
Cheers, & Have fun! ^^ <3
Glad you like the style! ^w^ All the lines are one brush and I used solid black for the paint color
There's a lot of crosshatching (the parallel lines like on his paws) and styley squiggles (like on his back and shoulder). Those details come last and I do a new layer so I can erase and redraw them without breaking any of the lines for his body. The hatching and squiggles are just whatever feels fun, but I do try to line them up with distinct fur patches (where the fur color changes slightly) from the reference photo.
One other very important thing I forgot to add! There's a lot of crosshatching (the parallel lines