25 years later. Qi and Alissa quit to be criminals but the former Havoks Hellions keep contact to the other Havoks. Qi, years of using the Nerver Skrikes on himself to combat, toil on his body. Chronologically he is 45 but his biological is 75-ish and he is blind. That do not stops to trains his children and his friends' children (only training his kids with Martial School Karma but is imcomplete). Alissa stayed with Qi as her body has Quick Regeneration keep her young. Both have 4 kids (as they are part of the new incarnation of the Havok Hellions, New Hellions).
The younger kids of them. Hei and Bai, fraternal twins, 10 years old. Hei is a energetic Pallas Cat boy, he wants to get missions with the New Hellions but Lighting put him and his brother to protect Net. He is enamore with Trick Lowe. Bai is a timid Wolf Boy, he has low self esteem. He is very good using Karma but he fears to hurt someone even ha wants to work with his siblings.