I've been in a bit of a slump. So, I drew a little Zoe Trent to try and break my slump. Goodness I love this dog. She is just made up of everything I love in a good strong female character. She can be very funny, very serous, a little blunt and sarcastic, and just her singing is wonderful.
I sorta saw her dressing rather smartly, but being the independent woman she is, in trousers and a vest rather then the gown oh so common at the time. Funny enough, I drew this before I saw the "Cyril McFlip" sequence, in which Zoe cannon appears in 1890s clothing. Had I known, I probibly would have drawn her dressed in a variation of her cannon gown. Oh well, Zoe seems the type to change styles and dress on a whim. So maybe she chooses this as her street clothing, dressing more formal once she is on stage. Besides, gives me an excuse to draw her again.
2 years, 8 months ago
17 May 2022 21:57 CEST
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