featuring his owl Combagal Temsia and my coyote Carel. I want to make some skeches for some of the characters in the comic who haven't had the time to shine, such as most of the Cyclone Crushers. Anyway, here's the story behind this.
Temsia heard from Kellie how fun it is to hang with Carel in spite of Nyarai's possible jealousy. Wanting to indulge her predator instincts, Temsia offers an invitation to Carel, planning on showing the coyote how strong an owl's talons are. Carel is shocked and aroused at how strong Temsia's talons are, gripping his body hard enough to leave her prints on him through her grip strength. Temsia finishes by grabbing Carel's face and snout with her talons, boasting that she can lift him with them.