Yuki Nakano the 2nd character to be sketched, inked and full coloured for my "120+ Project."
Yuki Nakano is the 2nd character I ever created after Skye Izumi, I created her all the way back in 2004 and was created to be the main girl friend of Skye Izumi, Yuki is the only character apart from Skye who I created back in the 2000s to make it to 2022, every other character I created back then were either completely scrapped, or scrapped and later revived into another character under a new name, of course Skye and Yuki had different names back then, Jonathan and Sarah, but they've never been scrapped or abandoned before or after their name changes unlike the other characters I created back in the 2000s.
However, Yuki as had a very long rocky history and for a long time I felt she was one of my cursed characters, and that almost resulted in her being scrapped a few times, because no matter what redesigns I did for her, I was rarely happy with them for long because of how little attention she was getting from other people, compared to Skye Izumi and other female characters created by other people, back in the mid to late 2000s I heavily craved for popularity for myself and my characters like most stupid teenagers do, and that stupid teenager almost cost Yuki her existence amongst my cast of characters several times.
But fortunately for me and Yuki I did grow out of that phase and I continued trying to develop and refine Yuki, but she continue to be the most difficult to develop, because no redesign I did for her left me truly happy with it for long, but I stuck with it and eventually after turning her into a Black Girl with Blonde hair, I did begin to get designs I was starting to really like, until I got to this design, this is her current designs and it's the one that truly makes me happy with her.
It's been a lot of hard work, with many trials and errors, but I'm glad I stuck it out with Yuki Nakano who is still the main girlfriend of Skye Izumi in 2022.