Character Sheet for Sam
Character Description
Sam is a rather petite rabbit doe with soft brown fur and white heart-shaped markings. She has purple eyes and long, light brown hair.
Sam is a friendly girl, with a soft heart, who is willing to lend a hand to anyone in need. She is not particularly social, as she is very much an introvert, but those who do earn her friendship have a friend for life.
Likes: Sweets, vixens, reading, flowers, summer nights.
Dislikes: Carrots, winter, strong smells, getting her fur dirty.
Orphaned at the age of six, when her parents and older brother were murdered by highwaymen while traveling through Viridis, Sam was saved at the last minute by a patrol of Cearnach soldiers. Rather than see her placed in an orphanage, the captain of the patrol offered to adopt her, and his request was granted. Afterward, he raised her with love and kindness and saw to it she had everything she needed to grow up happy and healthy.
As a rabbit living in a city-state almost entirely populated by foxes, Sam has always been keenly aware of her status as a curiosity among her neighbors. At first, she hated it, but in recent years she has come to embrace it. That the new queen of Cearnach is married to a rabbit has made this easier for her, and while she and Queen Ciara have not met, Sam nevertheless admires her monarch a great deal.