I drew a couple pictures of Alcaria lazing about. It actually started as me trying to make one picture, I kept wanting her to be more bent backwards in this like valley propping up her head and rail/legs with her middle part slumped in, but I couldn't get it to work, and while experimenting with a hammock instead, and realising it would only work if she had all her legs tucked in, I didn't want to lose the idea of her legs hanging down limply so I split up the picture into two. One was this, Alcaria flopped onto a sofa after a long day of... probably blowing up potions and being asked to fix everyone's problems. And the other I went FULL Lo-fi with and I'm putting a lot of work into so that one will be coming soon. I'm listening to a lot of Persona 5 chill music while drawing it XD and trying to just push as much backround detail as I can.