At afternoon, Amy leaves her house with a gray jacket, it is also seen that she has a pendant in the shape of a half of a heart
From across town, Blaze walks out of her house in a gray jacket and also wears a pendant shaped like the opposite half of a heart.
Sally is holding hands with Nicole walking down the street, Sally is wearing a light orange T-shirt with a T and Nicole is wearing a dark orange T-shirt with a T, Amy walks past them
Tangle is holding Whisper's hand, Tangle has a dark pink T-shirt with an R on it, Whisper wears a black T-shirt with an X on it, Blaze walks past them
Amy keeps walking and manages to see Renamon carrying Gatomon, Renamon wears a dark orange T-shirt with an E, Gatomon wears a light orange T-shirt with a G
Blaze keeps walking and finds Juno carrying Haru, Juno is wearing a black T-shirt with a T, Haru is wearing a middle pink T-shirt with an E
Amy continues walking and finds Twilight hugging Pinkie from behind, Twilight is wearing a middle pink T-shirt with an E on it, while Pinkie is wearing a dark orange T-shirt with an L on it.
Blaze continues walking and finds Sunset hugging Sonata from behind, Sunset is wearing a white T-shirt with an R on it, while Sonata is wearing a middle pink T-shirt with a Y on it.
Amy continues her walk and runs into Cream, Cosmo and Marine, Cream is wearing a middle orange T-shirt with an I on it, Cosmo is wearing a light orange T-shirt with a U on it and Marine is wearing a middle pink T-shirt with an I on it.
Blaze continues on her walk and runs into Pikachu, Eevee and Meowth, Pikachu wears a dark orange T-shirt with an I, Eevee wears a white T-shirt with an A and Meowth wears a black T-shirt with an L
Amy continues on her walk and runs into Charlie kissing Vaggie's neck, Charlie wears a dark orange T-shirt with an I on it, Vaggie has on a dark pink T-shirt with an A on it.
Blaze continues on her walk and runs into Loona kissing Octavia's neck, Loona wears a light pink T-shirt with an I, Octavia wears a middle orange T-shirt with an E
Amy runs into Coco and Yaya on a date, Coco has a white T-shirt with a U, Yaya has a dark orange T-shirt with an I
Blaze bumps into Pasadena on a date with Tawna, Pasadena is wearing a light orange T-shirt with an L, Tawna also has a light orange T-shirt but this one has the P
Amy continues walking past Rainbow and Rarity, Rainbow wears a dark pink t-shirt with a Y, Rarity wears a dark orange t-shirt with a Y
Blaze continues walking past Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, Scootaloo is wearing a black T-shirt with a U on it, Applebloom is wearing a light pink T-shirt with a C on it.
Amy walks by and we can see Isabella on a date with Liz, Isabella is wearing a light pink t-shirt with an N, Liz is wearing a middle pink t-shirt with an R
Blaze walks by and we can see Ami on a date with Megumi, Ami is wearing a black T-shirt with an A on it, while Megumi is wearing a middle pink T-shirt with a T on it.
Amy continues to cross the street and we see Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed on a date, Sweetie Belle wears a dark orange T-shirt with an I, Babs Seed wears a middle pink T-shirt with an N
Blaze continues to cross the street and we see Applejack and Fluttershy on a date, Applejack wears a dark pink T-shirt with an I, Fluttershy wears a black T-shirt with an I
Amy walks by and bumps into Sheila, who is wearing a dark orange shirt with an F on it.
Blaze walks by and bumps into Da Vinci, who is wearing a light pink shirt with an I on it.
Amy is waiting for the cars to stop and we see Celestia and Chrysalis, Celestia is wearing a light orange T-shirt with an H, Chrysalis is wearing a dark orange T-shirt with an S
Blaze is waiting for the cars to stop and we see Luna and Umbra, Luna wears a light pink T-shirt with an E, Umbra wears a dark pink T-shirt with a D
Amy continues her walk, running into Dolly, who is wearing a light pink T-shirt with an A on it.
Blaze continues her walk, bumping into Babs Bunny, who is wearing a dark orange T-shirt with an L on it.
Amy walks past Lyra and Bon Bon who are kissing tenderly, Lyra is wearing a white T-shirt with a T, Bon Bon is wearing a light orange T-shirt with an S
Blaze walks past Octavia and Vinyl who are kissing tenderly, Octavia is wearing a light pink T-shirt with an A on it, while Vinyl is wearing a light pink T-shirt with an M on it.
Amy manages to get close to Julie Bruin and Binky Bunny who kiss passionately, Julie has a middle orange T-shirt with an A, Binky wears a light pink T-shirt with an L
Blaze manages to get close to Neferpitou and Cheadle who kiss passionately, Neferpitou wears a dark orange T-shirt with a V, Cheadle wears a light orange T-shirt with a P
Amy accidentally brushes past Derpy and Carrot Top (arm linked), Derpy wears a black T-shirt with an E, Carrot Top wears a middle orange T-shirt with an H
Blaze accidentally brushes Berry Punch and Minuette (arms linked), Berry wears a dark pink T-shirt with an I, Minuette wears a light orange T-shirt with an I
Amy walks past Fay and her girlfriend, Fay is wearing a light orange T-shirt with an N on it.
Blaze walks past Miyu and her girlfriend, Miyu is wearing a white T-shirt with an E on it.
Amy walks past Starlight and Trixie, Starlight is wearing a light pink T-shirt with a G, Trixie is wearing a middle orange T-shirt with an L
Blaze walks past Cadence and Gleaming Shield, Cadence is wearing a dark pink T-shirt with an S on it, Gleaming is wearing a light orange T-shirt with an H on it.
Amy walks past Giggles and Petunia, Giggles is wearing a light orange T-shirt with an A, Petunia is wearing a dark pink T-shirt with a P
Blaze walks past Flaky and Lammy, Flaky is wearing a dark orange T-shirt with an I, Lammy is wearing a middle pink T-shirt with an S
Amy walks between Katt and her girlfriend, Katt wears a black T-shirt with an S on it.
Blaze walks between Fara and her girlfriend, Fara wears a middle orange T-shirt with a G on it.
Amy stares at Zecora and Tree Hugger for a second being affectionate with each other, Zecora is wearing a light pink T-shirt with a B, Tree Hugger is wearing a middle orange T-shirt with an N
Blaze looks for a second at Tempest Shadow and Moondancer being affectionate with each other, Tempest is wearing a light orange T-shirt with a Y, Moondancer is wearing a dark orange T-shirt with a B
Amy is looking at Krystal, alone and being somewhat empathetic for her, Krystal is wearing a dark pink T-shirt with a T
Blaze walks past Lucy and her girlfriend, Lucy is wearing a light pink T-shirt with an S
Amy waits on a bench, near her are Spitfire and Fleetfoot hugging and kissing each other tenderly, Spitfire has a black T-shirt with a Y, Fleetfoot is wearing a white T-shirt with an N
Amy keeps waiting, no one shows up
Above, in what seems to be a fence, so that the children do not fall, all the girls begin to gather, we only see them from behind
Amy turns around because someone arrives
Blaze arrived at the place, but curiously she is not wearing her jacket, she is wearing a shirt with the colors of the lesbian flag
Amy hugs her girlfriend
Blaze tries to unzip Amy's jacket.
Amy stops her, she's not sure about this
We can see the back of the jacket, it clearly says "CLOSET"
Amy looks up
We look only at the faces of the lesbian girls, all smiling
Amy unzips her jacket.
Amy took off her jacket, she also has a shirt with the colors of the lesbian flag
Both girls see each other with passion, holding hands
Amy surprises Blaze with a kiss, the cat quickly kisses her back, Amy hugs her girlfriend wrapping her arms around her neck, Blaze grabs her girlfriend by the hip
We go from that scene to each girl posing next to each other, smiling, guided by the colors of their T-shirts, the first ones are the black T-shirts, in this order (Katt, Derpy, Whisper, Scootaloo, Ami, Meowth, Fluttershy , Juno and Spitfire)
Second, the girls in dark orange T-shirts, in this order (Babs Bunny, Sweetie Belle, Sheila and Renamon)
Third, the girls in middle orange T-shirts, in this order (Carrot Top, Octavia Goetia, Julie Bruin, Trixie, Cream, Tree Hugger and Fara)
Fourth, the girls in light orange T-shirts, in this order (Bon Bon, Cosmo, Fay, Pasadena, Minuette, Gatomon, Gleaming Shield and Sally)
Fifth, the girls in white T-shirts, in this order (Fleetfoot, Eevee, Lyra, Coco, Sunset and Miyu)
Sixth, the girls in light pink T-shirts, in this order (Vinyl, Dolly, Starlight, Loona and Applebloom)
Seventh, the girls in middle pink T-shirts, in this order (Lammy, Twilight, Liz, Haru, Babs Seed, Marine, Megumi and Sonata)
Eighth, the girls in dark pink T-shirts, in this order (Cadence, Petunia, Berry Punch, Tangle, Applejack and Krystal)
We cut this, Amy and Blaze cut the kiss
Amy snuggles between her kitten's breasts
We return with the girls, now the ones that were left in light orange T-shirts, in this order (Celestia, Giggles, Tawna, Cheadle and Tempest Shadow)
Then, the remaining light pink T-shirts, in this order (Binky Bunny, Luna, Lucy, Zecora, Da Vinci, Octavia Melody and Isabella)
Last but not least, the ones left from dark orange T-shirts, in this order (Neferpitou, Charlie, Chrysalis, Pikachu, Moondancer, Flaky, Pinkie, Yaya, Nicole and Rarity)
And last but not least, the ones that were left with dark pink T-shirts, in this order (Umbra, Vaggie and Rainbow)
We return to the sweet image of Amy and Blaze where we zoom in on their "half heart" necklaces
The necklaces come together, as if it were a message, forming a complete heart
The image turns black
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
-Dr Seuss