Panic setting in really fast for both Lin and Laika, but especially for Lin. He's forgotten about everything he was taught to do and from their 'gone into labor' practice.
This is about the time that Lin make a mad dash through the house, up the stairs and burst through Fang and Vapor's bedroom door, early on that Thanksgiving morning.
This might just be a very unpopular opinion but I just don't know what to think abut these two they're perfect for each other I just think having six at the age of 10 is overkill beyond recognition plus I hated the fact of how this made onai feel the fact that he loved his sister and just for his mother to tell him no just felt like a major gut-punch for him and the fact that his sister seemingly fell in love with a guy that came from China don't get me wrong I love lin but I just feel like onai story got completely side blinded by everything else I honestly think onai should have found someone before lin and laika's story kicked off
This might just be a very unpopular opinion but I just don't know what to think abut these two they'
Onai and Laika was only ever going to be a short fling. They were never going to be together for more than six months at most.
Yeah, six is a lot, but should make some fun times for Lin (and Laika) trying to keep up with them all in a few years xD
As for Onai finding someone before Lin and Laika, he always has/had friends at school for casual sex, so he was never really alone, just pushed himself away from others for awhile.
Onai and Laika was only ever going to be a short fling. They were never going to be together for mor
PS I have a broken keyboard right now trying to type this is like trying to download 20 GB of data on a 1980s computer in a reasonable time spanned so if there's a letters I'm sorry please delete the first one and keep the one farthest to the bottom
PS I have a broken keyboard right now trying to type this is like trying to download 20 GB of data o
Oh I think they're cute it's just a little concerning when you think about it, she's going to be 15 years old one day and have two 10 year olds running around I mean she's going to go through her first ever heat and have kids like 7 years old I honestly saw onai meeting up with a jet black wolf girl and having her and Onai hook up and her basically being a mother to hiroko
Oh I think they're cute it's just a little concerning when you think about it, she's going to be 15
xD yeah, that she will. It's going to be a challenge for her, BUT she can do it. She's a smart and witty girl. I think she'll do just fine as a young mother, with love and support of course.
Sex in their household, once Onai and Hiroko move out, will be a... umm, what's it called? .... ... ... I don't know... Onai and Hiroko will have sex, their cubs will see it, giggle, and go back to whatever they're doing, it won't really bother them, and they won't be joining in either, or at least no plans for that, and probably won't be either.
I never really had set-in-stone plans for Onai. I was going to have him hook up with Rin (Lin's twin sister) but decided against that after like 5 pages or something. I was thinking maybe he'd hook up with a human girl, but decided against that since human characters can't be put into sexual scenes on InkBunny. I thought about having him sleep with a whole lot more girls in school and knock up like 5 of them or something. Make him suffer in all those cubs and cub-support payments xD And I thought about having him just quietly finish school, head to college, then pretty much disappear, other than maybe a Christmast story or something when he comes back home to visit. Even had the thought about killing him off some how, but yeah, not going there xD
For Onai and Hiroko, I never intended on them becoming sexual or even mates. I was going to have him as a father/brother to her. But something in me decided to break my 'no under 9 sex rule' and well, you see how that turned out xD
xD yeah, that she will. It's going to be a challenge for her, BUT she can do it. She's a smart and w