This is a new superhero for my TokuToon universe.
BoxTool ボクストゥール aka Maito Shinya しんや舞人 is one of Neo-Tokyo's many superheroes who battles against the forces of evil. His main hero-motif is a tool-box with tools. A 16 year-old, fox-like alien who uses the Gearbox-Driver to transform with the aid of Bolt-Chips that screw onto the belt, Green-Chips for speed, Yellow-Chips for skills and Purple-Chips for Power. His main weapons are the Drill-Buster gun with the Fire & Electric-Batteries, the twin Hammer-Striker handheld weapons, The Spanner-Sword, the Screw-Driver dagger, The Tape Booster and the wrist mounted Saw-Blade (all weapons based on common building tools). Maito is a smart and calm person who is kind and caring, always looking out for his friends and allies in battle against his opponents.
BoxTool Ride-Mode ボクストゥールライドモード, a form that Maito can turn into when he places all three colors of Bolt-Chips onto the GearBox-Driver belt, transforming him into a go-kart/rideable Lawn-Mower-based mode, it's fully armored, fast and the drills on the back and fire lasers at his opponents.
2 years, 9 months ago
21 Apr 2022 07:44 CEST
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