Animator Igor has bought too many chocolate eggs for him to enjoy easter "oh boy, time to eat these chocolate eggs *looks around* looks like i'm alone, anyway time to eat" said animator igor after preparing himself to eat these delicious and sweetly chocolate eggs, then he started to bite all those eggs and his belly started to grow a little "these chocolate eggs are sweet, looks like my belly started to grow a bit, meh, i'm gonna be fine" said animator igor to himself, then he continued to eat all those chocolate eggs, when e eats or bites an chocolate egg his belly would grow a bit. after eating most part of those chocolate eggs, his belly grew big then he decided to take a break on eating all those eggs "ohhh i'm soo fuull, well time to rest for a while, then when i wake up, i'll finish eating those eggs" said animator igor while he was sleeping. four hours later he wakes up and decided to finish eating those chocolate eggs, then he started finishing to eat the eggs and his belly grews a few inches, after finishing his job to eat those chocolate eggs, animator igor looks at his belly that became to big and said too himself "wow, my belly is bigger than a globe, well time to sleep for a while cuz i can't get up so easily" said animator igor while he sleeps, and he had an sweet and peaceful easter even if he gets too many chocolate eggs to make him feel satisfied.
========================================================================= anyway, yesterday i had an idea of drawing animator igor eating chocolate eggs for easter and i did, i hope everyone likes it. also don't worry, because i didn't draw animator igor's winkie so it's an SFW artwork
well, how about we find out your limit. (PMs please? comments are a pain on my PS3, and i can't use anything else during the day cuz of multiple rule violations. please for the love of god don't ask questions)
well, how about we find out your limit. (PMs please? comments are a pain on my PS3, and i can't use