If that's the case, it would mean what we're seeing in this panel is reality, right? But TiNi's body is definitely a Nidoking. Nidoking and Nidoqueen have very different bodies. Aside from color, TiNi has all the physical properties of a Nidoking.
If that's the case, it would mean what we're seeing in this panel is reality, right? But TiNi's body
If that's the case, it would mean what we're seeing in this panel is reality, right? But TiNi's body is definitely a Nidoking. Nidoking and Nidoqueen have very different bodies. Aside from color, TiNi has all the physical properties of a Nidoking.
What if.. he was a nidoqueen that was trans male and got SRS?!? cause the eyes are diffrent.
~~~ Quote by Clockiel: If that's the case, it would mean what we're seeing in this panel is rea
The story has noted that TiNi was born a shiny, which is why TiNi's parents named TiNi 'Pearl' initially, mistaking TiNi for a Nidoran(F). Therefor, TiNi was born a Nidoking.
The story has noted that TiNi was born a shiny, which is why TiNi's parents named TiNi 'Pearl' initi
I ended up binging this in one sitting right now, I think I appreciate that you've done a pretty nuanced take on the themes of this story.
One thing that makes this tricky to read for some, is the fact that while the themes and characters are not too different from those in real life, this is still a pokemon story told in the context of the powers and abilities of pokemon.
While I did feel uncomfortable at some points, I like that you didn't outright demonize the entropy group, could have easily had a cis Pokemon talk TiNi into accepting there's something wrong, but instead you gave a trans Kirlia being the one neutral party to help them along the way.
As harsh and volatile some people in the trans community can be, there's also plenty who are preety chill about it, that's where it hit me home, I'm a cis guy, but I've got plenty of trans friends who are like that Kirlia, they just want to be, to exist, none of this extreme reactionary stuff.
I appreciate that the main plotpoint is that TiNi wants to be at peace with their identity, and that they were able to figure out that nope, acting this way has been doing more harm than good.I only hope some healing can be done with TiNi's wife and friend... ;___; I'm emotionally invested!
I am looking forward to see the upcoming pages, you're a really good writer!
I ended up binging this in one sitting right now, I think I appreciate that you've done a pretty nua