Character Sheet for Jane the Bat
Character Description
Jane is one of the Bat triplets, along with Brittney and Audrey. Like most of her family, she is often described as a sexaholic and an easygoer as her sisters are. But she's also very nice.
Jane is known to be a very flirtatious girl, enjoying to tease and hit on boys she finds extremely attractive. However, she is still a kind girl like Brittney is. She gives people chances to talk and redeem themselves for whatever crimes they did. She was even willing to open up to the twisted narcasist Carnage (later renamed Sear) and try to convince him to turn over a new leaf.
Likes: Clubs, nightlife, the city, sex, boys, dancing, helping out, being with friends, etc.
Dislikes: Bad guys, assholes, jerks, being mistaken for her sister, being called a whore, etc.
Susan the Bat (mother), Bryan the Bat (father), Brittney the Bat, Audrey the Bat (sisters)
Jane is much like her sisters, but has a red hair band, yellow ribbon, red eyes, yellow socks, a yellow ribbon in her hair, an orange shirt and skirt, and orange sneakers.