Today was not like any other day. This was a special occasion; a miracle, if you will. Life never ceases to amaze me. ;w;✨ Me and my Little Rascal, Violet, were out taking a nice, relaxing stroll, with me carrying our cute eggie we made together. Just after I think to myself “Hmm… Our little egg sure is taking its time to hatch…”, as if the heavens above read my mind, the eggie starts wobbling more than usual, then it starts jumping around in my arms. Me and Violet both clamored to slowly bring it down on the ground, and then we wait and watch as it rocks around. Soon, a crack starts to form on the shell. It was official: our baby was finally ready to hatch! “Yaayy, finally~! Squee~!,” said Violet as we were filled with excitement with each crack that breaks from the egg, and more and more kept forming until… ”CRACK!”… And there it was… Our brand new bundle of joy, broken out of its embryonic cage at last. A Rattata was born, and it had some quite distinctive features, like a certain hairdo, a bit more fluffy fur on the tail most notably, and a familiar blue star on its left cheek. And I noticed that it’s fur was mostly dampened down from being in the egg, so surely, its fur color will be a different shade within time as it dries. As it cries from its adjusting temperature, me and Violet gaze upon him whimsically in awe, admiring its mere presence. “It’s… It’s absolutely beautiful~ Right, Violet?” “It sure is~ I’m already in love~💜… Now that it’s hatched…… What should we name it?” “Hmmm……. Gasp! Ooh! I got the perfect one!….”Periwinkle”… That’s fitting for you especially, am I right~?” “Periwinkle… Yeah, I love it~ Great idea, hunkies~ From this day forward, our precious baby will be known as Periwinkle ✨” She said as we hold and cradle our new baby together~ Periwinkle is ready to get their start on Earth. And then, one more thought from me: “…Heheheh… Sweetie… I hope you’re ready to have a sibling~! :D”