TIME TO VOTE!!! Please, I beg to vote in the 3 Polls. If you don't have a Patreon account I encourage you to create one and you will be able to vote in a future already. To make a normal Patreon account is FREE.
IF YOU CAN SHARE THE POLL LINKS WILL BE AMAZING<3 The more people votes the more fair will the results be.
LINKS TO VOTE: · StrawPoll HERE! · Cachomon Patreon Poll HERE! · BlackCachomon Patreon Poll HERE! · Discord HERE! (invitation here!) (this one will count only in case of ties)
THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR COLLABORATION!!! TO VOTE IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you don't vote you cannot complain later about results. And if your choice won't be the winner you know, bring more friends next time to vote. To contribute later is also important so think that whatever you vote will have to be paid afterwards.
What is this about? The CURRENT POKÉMON SHIMEJI POLL results will be what determinates the next Pokémon Campaign. This means that the winner of this voting process will be made and will have a Collaborative Campaign with a cash goal. That goal will have to be reached by contributors and with a monthly % of the pledges from my Patreon accounts. Remember that all the contributors, even if they just give 1€ will get the Beta Link of that Shimeji and will be able to download it when they want during all the process of creation.
How are the results counted? I have a spreadsheet where I will collect and add up the results from the 3 sites. StrawPoll votes from each person equals to 1 point to their chosen Pokémon. In Patreon is a bit different: non pledgers vote equals to 1 like in StrawPoll, but pledgers vote value equal to 1+their pledge. This means that Patrons have more power when voting specially if their pledge is high.