well, the nature elements is hard to draw, ones in school i tryed to draw dragon surrounded by fire. I got dragon-like/deamon-like something surrounded by something red and blue.. Well thats how i see that) my picture got 3nd place in city school contest.. Don't know for what.. ><'
well, what i'm trying to say is, that fire and water are hardest, so you did awesome.. No.. You did AWESOME work on fire here) hope to see you draw some mage) ;3
well, the nature elements is hard to draw, ones in school i tryed to draw dragon surrounded by fire.
thanks, sweety) hope to paste here soon my character sketch) and i'm repost my previous edit of reply with another edit ;3 XD "well, what i'm trying to say is, that fire and water are hardest, so you did awesome.. No.. You did AWESOME work on fire here) hope to see you draw some mage, or even some avatar-like char, that will throw every kind of magic) ;3"
thanks, sweety) hope to paste here soon my character sketch) and i'm repost my previous edit of repl
well, maybe not only avatar, but some mage tossing some fire/water/wind/rocks/whatever, made by you as furry, will be cool)wow! ^w^ maybe i sounds litle childish, but can't help it, i really liked how you made furry breathing fire and want to see more) ;3
well, maybe not only avatar, but some mage tossing some fire/water/wind/rocks/whatever, made by you