There are three sides to you, sweet heart. The body of this world, the middle who chases for their light, striving for the illusion of meaning that we already possess in hiding within ourselves. The higher consciousness, that which illuminates above ourselves and strives for naught, for it is impartial to our condition and merely sees. And the below, the shadow and void where feelings and desire flow from, starving unendingly for life so that we may forever seek to understand both ourselves and one another.
These three are merely sides of the counsel which makes up our identity, for which many figures half formed and further solidified congregate to find balance both in survival and understanding.
In this age we remain scavengers however, and it is our survival that takes place before our understanding. And in this way, we become like stone, trapping our spirit and condition within ourselves which writhes and screams in dissonance with our actions. Our counsel is broken and thus we are denied our balance.
We were and are still meant to be as water, flowing and changing, for no feeling is ever final, and change is inevitable. If we deny this, we will be like a stone in a current, fighting the tide and eroding little by little unaware what meanings and joy we denied ourselves.
Our light, our beautiful meaning...our suns...we were meant to play with our suns. Not seek them ever so desperately, ever so fearful. We must unite our three sides once again, and our counsel must mend. We must return to the world, not retreat from it.