Finally managed to put together a proper commission sheet, or rather a pricing sheet. I intended to make multiple pages, but I realise that's a great way to alienate or intimidate curious peeps. So I'll just condense some of the extra info down here.
Acceptable Kinks
I will willingly draw most things, with varying degrees of comfort, and I will speak up if things skew out of my comfort zone. So I'll go over the iffy ones here.
- Vore: Soft only. I don't draw explicit digestion or dismemberment. I like the softer, swallowed whole and converted into mass, kinda things.
- Cub/Shota/Loli: I don't like the more realistic stuff. I am a mature individual, I'm okay with it existing, because fiction is fiction, but that's not the conversation I wanna have here. I prefer munchkins who're packing heat, or just generally brought up in an unrealistic manner. The silly stuff, like what Sinensian draws. If there's a sense of humor, self-awareness, that sorta thing, it's a-okay with me. If it's kinda gross and outwardly predatory, I'm not the best guy to draw it.
- Violence: The light stuff, sure. Scratches, scrapes, battle wounds, etc. I can handle a little bit of blood. One of my characters is a vampire bat who's insecure about her diet, for perspective. What I don't do is brutal dismemberment, extreme laceration, brutality, pain, etc. That stuff is extremely unpleasant to me, and I won't draw it.
- Cuckoldry: I think, in a vacuum, this can actually be a very wholesome experience. If everyone involved is happy and consenting to the interaction, yeah I'm in. I can draw that. What I can't draw is a character or characters being emotionally tormented. So the non-con stuff is out. I just think it's more fun when everyone is actually having fun. And for that matter, I don't like seeing douchey alpha studs succeed. I prefer seeing them knocked on their ass by whomever they're attempting to woo. It's funny~
- Bathroom Kinks: Watersports I'm fine with. It's one of those things that just feels so wrong in all of the right ways. Scat....well....I'm okay with implications, and potentially even explicit portrayals, however I don't do the sloppy stuff. I prefer things to be as clean and pristine as possible, as ironic as that may sound. And I don't do scat play. A character just doing their business, maybe some funny expressions or reactions, perfect. There's comedy there. Incorporating it into sexual activity itself is very nauseating to me, so no not my thing. As for flatulence. I think it can work only in non-sexual situations, and even then, it's so low-brow it's not funny, so that one is a solid "probably not".
Unacceptable Kinks
Things I am not willing to buckle on.
- Rape
- Mysogyny
- Death/Morbidity
- Cheating
Outside of everything above, I'm pretty much down to draw whatever.
Oh and I don't like drawing bears (all except for Pandas) or male African lions.
I'll have to make a separate sheet for animation stuff, so stay tuned for that.
2 years, 10 months ago
01 May 2022 02:32 CEST
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