This was a long time coming. Am I going to get hate for this? Oh, most definitely. But right now, I could honestly give less of a shit. This has been on my mind for way too long. It needs to be let out.
man. sorry to hear about this vent boyninja. hope you recover in a positive emotion. <:) hope this bring some happyness or relief, If we Ever rp'ed, i can try to help explain the stuff or a story that u need or want to know first. Cause I want to be able to be understandable and a good friend. Your not a fuck up or a whiney guy, I think your just a struggling guy who just wants to have a purpose and to be able to get away from the stress of the real world and what u been through online. if it not helping anything, you can delete it and dm me.
man. sorry to hear about this vent boyninja. hope you recover in a positive emotion. <:) hope this b
ok, I know I'm probably not the right guy for the job considering what we mess around with on DIscord... but in all seriousness dude if you wanna talk about it with me there you are free to do so. cause the thing is I suffer from depression and keep thinking about ending my life because not only was my life unfair but it felt like i had no friends. and then you showed up. and made me happy again. because i commented on that one audio of yours and you replied. and then with the next image, it went on for like 15 or so comments. and it felt like i had a friend who's into the same shit as me. so if you wanna talk about it there go on ahead. i want to be able to help you as much as i possibly can.
ok, I know I'm probably not the right guy for the job considering what we mess around with on DIscor
well 1st thanks. but 2nd. im serious dude if you want to talk about it seriously over on discord voice chat i will try to help you as much as i can. because the guy who you are talking about is just a sick fuck and he's the REAL fuck-up. he doesn't have a life if he talks shit like that. but you do. so im serious. wanna talk about it?
well 1st thanks. but 2nd. im serious dude if you want to talk about it seriously over on discord voi
i mean hey dude do you want ME to call you on discord cause i actually am scared for your health and i legit feel sick if i can't help you. because the thing is you really ARE the only friend i have no joke. and the other thing is if no one is allowed to help you... then your mental health will just get worse and worse. so im now not just serious.. I am DEAD SERIOUS.
i mean hey dude do you want ME to call you on discord cause i actually am scared for your health and
That's nice of you to offer. But I'm fine. And voice chat doesn't really agree with me. I'm very awkward and don't say much on voice chat compared to text.
That's nice of you to offer. But I'm fine. And voice chat doesn't really agree with me. I'm very awk
ok. because i should have just said text chat me what's wrong. but if you ARE fine than i believe you. it's just that you are INDEED the only friend i have left. and i don't want your health to be as bad as mine. also one more thing. i know you probably don't want to go back on discord for the rest of the day/night... but if you are stressed then guess what? i am gonna be up all night where i live. so if it makes you happier we can go back to having fun.
ok. because i should have just said text chat me what's wrong. but if you ARE fine than i believe yo
You sound like you were roleplaying with a child, what with all the god-modding. I've dealt with my fair share of those, hahah. .. For the record, I'm really glad the whole prostitution thing didn't get much worse than that. I really don't mean to "trauma-dump" on you, but I was groomed on a group Skype call when I was 16, and didn't really know that what I was doing was fucked up, for a long time. The effects of it have rippled to my adult life, so I really hope something like that didn't come close to happening to you, and that you're far more knowledgable than I was at 16. Other than that, hope you stay safe and sound, and take good care of yourself bud. You've got people around you supporting you.
You sound like you were roleplaying with a child, what with all the god-modding. I've dealt with my
And oh, Jesus. Nobody needs to be subjected to that kind of shit. I'm so, so sorry it happened to you as well. All we can do is learn to grow from this and not let it bog us down.
It honestly feels that way, looking back... And oh, Jesus. Nobody needs to be subjected to that kin
It's all in the past, and I'm sorry I 'kinda made it about me, just wanted you to know I can empathize with you in several ways. Skype was a bit of a weird tool for weird people to get around. We're all bigger and better people now, so I guess now we can just look back at these experience and groan at them. At the very least, these are only memories now!
It's all in the past, and I'm sorry I 'kinda made it about me, just wanted you to know I can empathi