So I was out wandering the Dealer's Den and Artist's Alley and such one of the days at AC this year, and Grey was hanging around me and Immy's table helping us out. Also me and Immy were both taking sketch commissions to be done at the con. When I got back Immy threw a sketchbook at me containing the top portion of this picture and I was informed that they had agreed to do a collab picture and I was roped in. :B
So what's going on here is apparently a border collie has had his face transformed into a pizza by... me, I suppose. :B Grey drew the pizza head, Immy drew the body and such, and I drew myself as the mad scientist, since that's what they told me to draw.
Know anything about Immelmann's ORDER OF THE BLACK DOG, whether it's still being produced, or whether the story was abandoned unfinished ?
The stories have progressed to the point where interconnection is apparent, but whether we'll ever find how that utterly alien artifact (eyes,jaws, a fanged vagina (?)) ties things together , is not evident. I linked it into my index of websites, so I can analyze the narrative flow at leisure. Hopefully Immelmann will complete it, and not like the X-Files or other
Immelmann blocked me for some reason now forgot. Tho I did send an eMail on the Black Dog address i don't know if he'll answer or even if he ever got it ...
Know anything about Immelmann's ORDER OF THE BLACK DOG, whether it's still being produced, or whethe
Well, the last page was when those bird people* entered a very deep level of the mine, found remains of 2 miners and, past a locked door, that cylinder THING that was also on the moon. There was no date ** and thus I could not tell whether the graphic novel was abandoned or not.
* At least one was actually an insect being using an image inducer (like Nightcrawler used to use in X-Men to be able to move about in public, unchallanged). The THING in the room was mentioned as a cure for what ailed the insectoid colony. Mystery.
** In the fan-fiction website, many stories were abandoned,as the last addition was years ago and no COMPLETE tag was there.
Well, the last page was when those bird people* entered a very deep level of the mine, found remains
That happened in Issue 11, the current updating Issue is 14, so if you click that link you can read everything you missed and keep getting updates every Wednesday and Friday.
That happened in Issue 11, the current updating Issue is 14, so if you click that link you can read
Very good. Very good. THIS way I can follow the story. I only hope that this won't be like Twin Peaks. My father started watching that series ,but was baffled and bewildered by the craziness in that town (Log Lady,etc.) and gave it up. Quality looks like the graphic novels put out by Fantagraphics & others.
Very good. Very good. THIS way I can follow the story. I only hope that this won't be like Twin Peak