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"Oh, I'm drowning? Whatever."
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by lolboy4
Just a dragonfly dude chilling underwater.

male 1,129,935, swimsuit 14,186, underwater 8,094, insect 6,430, bug 4,363, goggles 4,212, dragonfly 429, multi arm 227, insect wings 80
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 2 years, 3 months ago
Rating: General

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3 weeks, 6 days ago
*It's a beautiful day outside, it's pretty warm out tho, so this dragonfly was lucky enough to have a pair of shorts and goggles to fit his small little body to go for a nice peaceful dive, however just before they could, a cubone was sitting on a rock nearby, crying and holding their bone club in their hand, this cubone was so tiny it was almost the same size as this dragonfly*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
Worried about the cubone, the dragonfly flies over to them and settles down next to them. "Hey, um... Are you okay?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*the cubone eyes are red from how much crying they are doing, trying to wipe away some tears and look at the dragonfly*
"W-what...do I look like im ok!!? No I'm not!!!" *the cubone scoots back from the dragonfly a bit*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Y-yeah, maybe kind of a dumb question. Not too familiar with what you are, but... This doesn't seem anywhere near the right size for you."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*the cubone looks at the dragonfly, trying to calm down*

"I don't...understand why I'm always so sad!! I never ever have a smile on my face... and I'm always so lonely without anyone... I don't even know what you are either..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Well, I'm a dragonfly... Do you mind if I stick around for a while? I want to see if I can help you feel better."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"A dragonfly... well I suppose you can... many have tried and failed to cheer me up tho..." *the cubone sighs and scoots closer towards the dragonfly, tears still in his eyes* "Oh and...my name is cubone...in case your wondering..." *they stare at the water below them for a few moments then turn to face the dragonfly*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"So... When did you first start feeling sad? Maybe we can at least figure out the cause of this."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Ever since I was brought into the world I've been like this... and that was a while ago...I woke up with no one around, and then I found this letter on why I didn't have anybody" *cubone takes out an old piece of paper and hands it to the dragonfly, which states how their biological parents were gone and erased from this world permanently by some dramatic matter*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
The dragonfly reads through the letter. "Jeez... That's awful... At least you never knew them, but that's really not much better..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Nope... and ever since then I've been alone all of my life... no friends, no family, and nobody to talk to... at one point I was almost considering just be nonexistent myself since I seem to have no one to cheer me up and make me smile... I always come to this spot to express my emotions, the gentle waves of the water are soothing enough to not make me cry super loudly, but that doesn't mean I'm happy, cause I'm not"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"...I could be your friend, if you want. That may only be getting you one friend, but that's way better than nothing, right?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Yeah...I guess, thank you Mr dragonfly..." *cubone wipes tears away and just now notices the dragonfly's goggles and trunks*
"What's with the stuff you got on?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"I was just about to go for a swim before I saw you! Water may not be good on my wings, since it keeps me from flying for a little while, but I always love being underwater."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Hmm....to be honest, I know nothing about swimming or diving, I was never really into that sort of thing... probably because nobody can teach me that stuff"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"I can try to teach you, if you want. Never done that before, and I tend to swim using all 4 of my arms, so it might be kind of hard... But I can try!"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*cubone sighs sadly, trying to wipe away any remaining tears*
"What have I got to lose...I guess I can give it a try if your really willing to help me..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Hey, swimming always cheers me up, maybe it'll work for you too!" The dragonfly flies off the rock and descends into a fairly shallow section of water, about 2 thirds submerged. "This ought to be a good spot here."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Uhhh... oh boy..." *cubone was clearly nervous about this* "I don't know... I mean, I wanna to try this...but..." *they sigh*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Is this too much water to start with? We could try somewhere more shallow instead."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Yeah that seems a little much... maybe somewhere more shallow then..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Now that I think about it, yeah, too much for your first time. Well, at least I didn't get my wings wet." The dragonfly jumps and flies, looking for a more shallow section of water.
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*after a couple minutes the dragonfly seems to find a much more shallow area*

"Did you find a shallower area Mr dragonfly?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Yep, right over here!" The dragonfly waves Cubone over to the new spot, landing in it.
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Guess that's better" *cubkne climbs off the rock and walks over to the shallow spot, carefully stepping into it and whimpering slightly*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"You're gonna be fine, you'd practically have to TRY to be able to drown in this!" The dragonfly holds out two of his hands to Cubone, wondering if them holding him will help calm them.
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*with the bone club still in their hand they managed to hold onto the dragonfly's hands, feeling slightly better*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Just let me know when you're ready to try going to a bit of a deeper part. We're not going deeper or entirely under until you're good and ready."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"O-ok..." *cubone tries to calm down and not be upset about this...and after a while they speak up again*
"I think I'm ready to try going a bit further out"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Alright, let's try that out..." The dragonfly slowly wades deeper with Cubone, eventually getting them both halfway submerged. "How's this?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"I'm floating...so it's a good sign I guess...I'm feeling ok for the most part..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"This is a good spot to try out going underwater for the first time, too, you'll be able to get right back up if you get scared. You probably don't want to try it, but you should at some point."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Well I definitely don't wanna try it now! I'm scared! I won't even know what to do when I get down there!"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"You wouldn't need to swim at all, you can just hold your breath and duck down, then just stand up again! But, if you don't want to do that yet, I understand."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*cubone looks down at the water and whimpers, not yet ready to do that*

"No I'm not ready for that yet..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Yeah, makes sense. We can just wade around for a while, maybe that'll help you get more used to water."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"I suppose so..." *cubone clutches their bone club tight to their body* "See this? This is my trusty club...I never leave without it... I sort of use it for protection too..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Right, and you don't want to let go of it to swim... Maybe once you're ready to go under, you could just hold onto me instead of swimming, so you don't have to let go of that."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*cubone sighs* "Maybe I don't know... I mean I've got one free hand at least... maybe once I grow older I'll learn to set my club down...but for now... I'll hold onto it..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"That's fine, I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want to."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Thanks for understanding..." *cubone tries to crack a smile but couldn't...letting tears fall instead* "I'm not sure how i feel about submerging... I mean i have to hold my breath and all that...I'll feel strange to me"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"It was weird for me my first times, too... Most bugs don't really do well in water, and I thought I'd be one of them, but I'm not. Got used to it eventually, loved it ever since."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Wow... heh...well I guess your a special one then..." *cubone looks at the water again* "I wanna at least try and submerge... I might like it after a few times too...you never know"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"It's definitely at least worth a shot, so you can find out whether it's really something to be scared of or not. I'll be right next to you, take as long to get ready as you need to."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Thanks... maybe we can submerge down together at the same time, it might help me...again I have a free hand so I can hold onto you and all that..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"That'll work for me! Count us down whenever you're ready, I'll do my best to go under at the same time as you."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Ok...I can do this, I can do this... bone club...give me some luck..." *they hug their bone club* "3......2........1!" *squeezing their eyes shut they take a giant breath of air and duck under, hoping the dragonfly will follow them*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
The dragonfly, as promised, takes a breath and ducks underwater at the same time as Cubone, looking at them and smiling with puffed cheeks.
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*the cubone looks around nervously for a second, staying down for a few moments before coming back up, releasing their breath of air they held in*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
The dragonfly follows them, letting go of his breath as well. "So... How was it?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Whoa... that certainly felt...good, in a strange way I kinda liked it... it's almost like I just washed away my emotions from that one dive... i-i don't know what else to say"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Nice, I knew you'd like being underwater, just takes some getting used to! Do you want to try again, and see about staying a bit longer?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Hmmm... I suppose I could try it again, it did feel refreshing as well since it's a hot day today"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"Alright, like before, just let me know whenever you're ready. How about we shoot for at least 10 seconds underwater this time?"
3 weeks, 6 days ago
"10 whole seconds?? Oh jeez... ok, I'll try for that then..." *after a bit, cubone holds the dragonfly and takes a deep breath again, holding it in and submerges underwater once again*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
The dragonfly holds his breath and ducks under with Cubone again, watching them to make sure they don't panic.
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*thankfully cubone hasn't panicked so far, trying to stay calm as they look at the dragonfly nervously, their eyes seem like they are burning a bit*
3 weeks, 6 days ago
He can tell their eyes are hurting, but he hopes it won't be much of an issue for them. The dragonfly keeps kneeling on the bottom, waiting for it to have been 10 seconds.
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*pretty soon its been 10 seconds and the cubone surfaces again, gasping for air a bit*
"Owww... my eyes hurt... they burned... but that felt a bit nice..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
*cubone thinks about his words for a second*
"The water felt nice not the burning..."
3 weeks, 6 days ago
The dragonfly had followed Cubone up after the 10 seconds were done. "Yeah, figured it might not feel good on your eyes... That partly what goggles are made to help with, but I've only got the one set... Ah, whatever, I can handle it. Here." He takes off his goggles and offers them to Cubone.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone looks at the goggles then back at the dragonfly*
"Are you sure? I mean I don't want your eyes hurting either..."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"It's fine, I'm more used to it. Took me a while to figure out somewhere I can get goggles this small, so water doesn't really hurt my eyes any more, I just have a little trouble seeing underwater."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Oh...well if your sure about handling it then, alright" *cubone slowly takes the goggles from the dragonfly, then put them on and over their eyes* "Do I uhh...look good in these?" *its thankfully a perfect fit for the cubone*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Yeah, they suit you great! Duck down and try them out, you're gonna be having a way better time underwater now!"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Alright, I'll try it..." *cubone takes a breath and dives underwater, testing out his new goggles*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly holds his breath and goes under with them, squinting a little at first as his eyes get used to the water.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone looks around with his new goggles and smiles a bit even for the first time!*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly smiles back and gives them a thumbs up, happily blowing a few bubbles.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone gives a thumbs up back, blowing some bubbles as well*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
He sits next to Cubone, calmly holding his breath and wondering a little about how long they intend to stay underwater this time.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone sits down too, trying to calm down and seeing how long he can hold his breath*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly keeps one of his hands on Cubone's shoulder to help keep them calm.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone smiles a little more at that, nuzzling the dragonfly a bit too*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly gives Cubone a four-armed hug, nuzzling them back.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone hugs the dragonfly back, getting more and more calm as he let's bubbles escape, their face a tiny bit red*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Having more experience with holding his breath, the dragonfly is still doing fine for now. A few bubbles trickle from his nostrils as he cuddles with Cubone.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*bubbles keep escaping cubone but remains calm for now, hugging the dragonfly some more*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly hums some as he holds both Cubone and his breath, ready to let go of Cubone whenever they want to surface.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone holds tightly to his bone club and the dragonfly, bubbles escaping his nostrils in a steady stream*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
While he's finally getting a blush of his own, the dragonfly is still calm, and smiles at Cubone.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone points to his nose, wondering how he's supposed to stop this flow of air coming through it*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly gently pinches Cubone's nostrils shut with one hand, still hugging them with the others.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the nose pinch felt weird to cubone at first, but eventually relaxes into it, smiling at the dragonfly*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly smiles back, puffing out a few bubbles as he relaxes back into the hug again, still holding Cubone's nostrils for them.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone's cheeks puff up cutely with air, his blush covering his whole face now*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Even with his own blush slowly spreading, the dragonfly stays with Cubone, determined to keep hugging them until they eventually want to go for the surface.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the cubone whimpers slightly, sort of wanting air soon*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
In case Cubone wants to surface, the dragonfly lets go of them aside from still holding their nostrils, so they'll be able to get up if they want.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the cubone stays down tho even tho his need for air, determined to last for as long as possible, growling softly*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly keeps watching them, making sure they don't end up pushing themselves too far.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*as their face slowly turns blue, they whimper more and more, covering their mouth with their free hand*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Even though he's starting to get a bit concerned about them, the dragonfly lets Cubone keep going. His own face is fully red now, and he's starting to strain a little, but he's still fine for now.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*eventually cubone can't take it, making the dragonfly let go of his nose and swim up to the surface, gasping heavily for air*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly follows them up, gasping as well. "That was a pretty good amount of time for your third time going underwater!"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Hah...hah... wow! That must have at least been 5 minutes! That felt great!!" *cubone has a big happy smile on his face now*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Yeah, you're already doing great in water! You're gonna be able to explore underwater just like I do soon!"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Awesome! Man I've never felt this good before, I think I'm...happy! Really happy! All thanks to you" *cubone hugs the dragonfly again tightly*
"I honestly do wanna try and do some exploring around with you, it sounds so fun..."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly hugs them back. "Haven't had a look around here before either, so this'll be the perfect place!"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Oooh! Awesome! I bet we can find some hidden stuff down here, man seriously I've never felt so alive!"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"So, do you know how to swim? I can try to show you if you need me to."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Uhhh... not really, I mean this was the first time I was ever in water...I could use a tutorial on it heh, I didn't really swim back up here, I sort of just pushed myself back up"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Okay, um... I'm not really sure how to explain it best, so just watch. Hopefully that'll be enough." The dragonfly moves away from Cubone a bit and starts swimming to demonstrate.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Hmm... doesn't seem to hard..." *cubone was unsure but he keeps watching*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Yeah, it's fairly simple. And, swimming underwater is basically just doing this but in a different direction. Think you can manage that?"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Uhh, I can most certainly try...maybe I can still swim whole carrying my club..." *cubone then tries to copy the swim movements the dragonfly did, managing it pretty well*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"There you go, nice! Even without both hands, you're doing great! I think we're ready to go for a dive now, if you're still up for it."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Yeah! I think so too! Honestly I'm still able to swim even with the bone club in my hand, so that's kinda nice"
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Alright, let's head farther in and find a good spot to go under, I'm excited to see what we'll find!" The dragonfly starts swimming into deeper water.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"I'm excited too!" *cubone follows the dragonfly, deep down inside him he's very nervous to go deeper into the water but tries to hide it and get more excited*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly doesn't notice Cubone's nervousness, and soon stops. "This seems good, let's dive here. Try doing some deep breathing before you go under, it'll help you last longer." He takes deep breaths.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"O-ok..." *cubone follows the dragonfly's instructions and starts to do some deep breathing, he's shaking a little with fear which does seem to get the dragonfly's attention*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"...Hey, are you okay? You don't have to do this if you don't want to, I don't mind."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"I-im sorry, it's just that I'm a little nervous to go deeper... I wanna explore I really do...I just have some nervousness inside me..." *cubone sighs a bit*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Hey, I'll still stay right next to you, and I don't mind if you want to hold my hand as well. I can do plenty of swimming for both of us, since I've got these extra arms."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Hmm...ok then, I do feel pretty comfortable around you... and I'm starting to really like you as a friend too" *cubone gives a soft smile then holds one of the dragonfly's hands*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"It's gonna be fun down there! Plus, if you need me to, I can give you some of my air, but... The method of doing that might be a bit embarrassing. Still, we probably won't need it."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"...embarrassing? If I may ask, why would it be embarrassing? I actually didn't think you could transfer some of your air to me..."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"W-well, it'd have to be through a kiss. It'd be worth it to get air, but still..."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone's eyes go wide and his face flushes pink*
"A-a kiss?? Oh my... I uh... that's interesting to say the least... i mean I've never kissed a bug before so if I do need air at some point I'll be a nice little experiment" *he chuckles nervously*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Y-yeah, might at least be interesting... But, just surfacing would be a lot better, we should just do that if we can."
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"I'll be a pain but yeah I suppose, doesn't hurt to try the kissing method tho since nobody is around, but we will figure it out" *cubone resumes his deep breathing*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
"Yeah, no one around to judge us for it." The dragonfly resumes deeply breathing too.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*after a while, both of them seem like they are ready to go, cubone still clutching tight to the dragonfly's hand*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
With a nod to Cubone, the dragonfly takes one last deep breath and holds it, diving underwater.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone takes a last deep breath as well, holding it in and diving underwater with the dragonfly*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly smiles at Cubone with puffed cheeks as he starts swimming deeper, eager to see what might be below.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone smiles softly back and swims down with the dragonfly, kicking his little legs downwards which looks adorable when he does it, his cheeks are cutely puffed up as well*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The water isn't all that deep here, and the two get just above the bottom after about 20 seconds of swimming. The dragonfly swims in place, looking around.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*there's nothing much around but a few fish, however when cubone looks to his left there's a small cave over there...cubone gets the dragonfly's attention and points to it excitingly*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly looks at the cave, then smiles and nods to Cubone, starting to swim for the cave with them.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*this cave is so small that only the two of them could fit inside it, cubone growing more excited as they look around the cave*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Just barely able to keep from touching the cave's walls, the dragonfly looks around as well, wondering what might be in here.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the cave seems pretty dark ahead of them, and quiet...but cubone swims further inside with the dragonfly wondering was secrets are hidden here*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly is getting a little nervous about going this far in, likely not having done much cave diving in the past, but he still keeps going.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the cubone gets nervous too, but keeps going... the cave gets darker and darker but little do both of them know, this cave isn't really hiding anything...maybe some rare fish but that's it*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Continuing to swim as a few bubbles trickle from his nostrils, the dragonfly tries to calm himself down, knowing he's not alone in here and he glances over to Cubone to see how they're doing.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the cubone is getting scared, clutching their bone club to them tightly so he doesn't lose it and continuing to swim with bubbles escaping their own nostrils... they eventually find a rainbow colored fish, which is pretty rare in the area they are in*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly smiles at the sight of the fish, knowing how rare its species is and not having seen one up close before. He cautiously swims up to it to get a better look, starting to get a slight blush.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the cubone smiles happily at the rare fish, wishing he brought a camera to take a picture of it....the rainbow fish looks at the two of them and visibly smiles and giving each of them a nuzzle as bubbles escape cubone's nostrils...but using what he learned from the dragonfly he pinches his nose shut with a hand*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
After giving the fish a nuzzle back, the dragonfly lets himself sink down to the floor of the cave to relax.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone joins him after giving the fish a nuzzle back...leaning against the dragonfly's body a bit as their face is red...the rainbow fish deciding to stay with the two of them for now*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly hugs Cubone again, leaning against them and closing his eyes, glad to also have the fish keeping the two company.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the cubone hugs the dragonfly back, really enjoying their embrace as the fish watches them, sticking very close to the two of them*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Still holding Cubone, the dragonfly gestures for the fish to join in the hug as well, smiling at them.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*the fish smiles back and joins in the hug, nuzzling both of them and wrapping their tiny fins around them in a hug, the cubone smiling at the sight as his face is completely red now, grunting slightly from strain*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly looks over at Cubone in a bit of concern as he hears them grunt, and points to his mouth, trying to ask if they want air.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*Knowing what's gonna happen the cubone blushes a bit, but knows he needs air pretty badly so they quickly nod their head*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Trying not to think about what the fish might think of this, the dragonfly gives Cubone a kiss, passing some of his air to them. His blush isn't just from holding his breath so long now.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone immediately blushes a lot just from the kiss, but surprisingly he oddly enjoys it as air was being transferred to him, he couldn't help but kiss the dragonfly back and wrap his arms around him...the fish meanwhile blushes from the kissing sight but still smiles*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
The dragonfly finds himself having quite enjoyed that too, even though he'd given up some air with it... He hugs Cubone again, smiling.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone smiles happily, enjoying that tender moment and even plants a legit kiss on the dragonfly's cheek*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
He blushes more again at that... And returns the kiss, realizing he's starting to fall in love with Cubone in this underwater cave.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*secretly, the cubone is starting to fall in love with the dragonfly, really growing deep feelings for him*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
Even without it having been said, the dragonfly is getting the feeling that's the case. Even though his face is fully red now, he wants to stay with Cubone as long as possible.
3 weeks, 5 days ago
*cubone's face is fully red too, but doesn't care, and continues snuggling with the dragonfly*
3 weeks, 5 days ago
At this point, the dragonfly is starting to wonder a little whether he and Cubone should start heading back, and he looks over at the way out in a bit of concern.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone looks in that direction too, wondering if they should surface....the rainbow fish also looks at their red faces in concern*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
Deciding they should probably get going, the dragonfly gets up to swim again, gesturing for Cubone to do the same.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone nods and starts to swim with the dragonfly...the rainbow fish looks at them with a tearful expression, sad that they are leaving...cubone turns around and notices and gives a weak smile, hugging the small little fish*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly stops and goes back a bit to give the fish a hug too, before waving goodbye to them and resuming heading toward the exit of the cave.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone waves goodbye himself and swims away, the fish waving back with its fins as the dragonfly and cubone start making their way up to the surface*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
There's a bit of strained grunting from the dragonfly at this point as he swims with Cubone, and he pinches his nostrils shut to help keep his air in.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone uses his free hand to pinch his own nostrils shut, grunting a bit too and kicking his little legs upwards hoping to reach the surface soon*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly holds onto Cubone with another hand to help them go faster by pulling them along, still able to swim pretty much normally with his other two arms. There's a tiny bit of blue forming on his face now, and he's starting to worry about whether he and Cubone will surface in time...
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone starts to whimper a bit as his own face is blue, trying to keep on going as the surface is getting closer and closer...*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
Finally, the two manage to reach the surface, both of them gasping heavily and panting. The dragonfly keeps holding Cubone to make sure they stay on the surface.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Hah....hah.... man! That was...quite the dive!" *cubone looks at the dragonfly with a blushing smile, he doesn't wanna say yet how he really feels about the dragonfly, hope the dragonfly will speak up first*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly smiles at Cubone. "Th-that was great, yeah... Especially that kiss..." He blushes. "...I-I think I might be in love with you..."
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone gasps, nearly dropping his bone club at what the dragonfly just said*
"What??? Are you serious?! I love...t-the kiss too, and I may be falling in love with you as well!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"I-I'm really glad you feel the same! I was kind of nervous about what you'd think of that..." The dragonfly hugs Cubone.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone hugs the dragonfly back, his eyes filling with teats, but instead of tears of sadness it's tears of pure joy*
"I-i was too! I can't believe I'm falling in love with a dragonfly!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"And I never thought I'd fall in love with a Pokemon!" He hugs Cubone with all 4 arms now, happy to have such an unexpected lover.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone happily returns the embrace, nuzzling the dragonfly's body happily*
"So... do you wanna make it official and, maybe go out on dates? I honestly don't even mind that we're both male"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Of course! I don't care we're both guys either, we're perfect for each other!" The dragonfly starts swimming for the shore with Cubone.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Hehe! I'll be nice to have a lover in my lonely life... you truly made me feel better... thank you so much, and I love you!!" *cubone holds the dragonfly's hand again and kisses his lips*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly returns the kiss, smiling at Cubone as they both continue swimming. "I love you too!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*he giggles cutely as he makes his way shore with the dragonfly, getting there eventually*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly helps Cubone onto the shore. "By the way, you can keep those goggles if you want. I can get another set for myself later."
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Oh really? Thanks a lot!" *cubone hugs the dragonfly tightly*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
Happily returning the hug once again, the dragonfly smiles and flutters his wings, trying to help himself and Cubone dry off.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone gets all dried up and smiles again at the dragonfly*
"Thanks buddy..." *he then looks at the dragonfly's body* "Hmm, we're rough almost the same size, you fly with your wings, always wanted to see what I'll be like to fly, heh
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Well, I think my wings are strong enough to lift both of us... Want to try it out?"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
*cubone gasps and smiles happily* "Are you kidding....heck yeah! It's always been my dream to know what it feels like to fly!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly smiles, and holds onto Cubone with all 4 arms. "Alright, let's give this a shot!" His wings flutter noticeably harder than when he was flying on his own... And he lifts off the ground with Cubone! "Nice, it'll work!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Whoaaaa!!!" *cubone holds tight to the dragonfly and his bone club* "No way!!!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"This is what it's like to be me! Honestly, it's rare that I walk when I'm able to fly, this is WAY better than that!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Omg this is so cool!!!! I'm flying through the air! This is amazing!!!" *a big happy smile appears on his face*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly carries Cubone a few feet above the ground, which is a fair distance at their size. "Not sure how long I'll be able to keep this up, this is a lot more weight than I'm used to..."
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Well I'm pretty light... it's not like I'm super heavy... but this is amazing still I mean, I'm flying a few feet off the ground! Never thought I could do something like this!"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
After a few minutes of flying, with the dragonfly gradually getting tired, he lands with Cubone again. "There you go... My wings are too tired for more right now."
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Aw man, sucks that it's over already but that was amazing! I loved it! Thanks for doing that for me bud" *cubone hugs the tired dragonfly gently*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
The dragonfly hugs them back. "No problem! I'll get some exercise in at some point, and see if I can keep that going longer next time."
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"That'll be great! Thanks! By the way I wanted to ask you, do you have any other bug friends? I wanna grow my friends list as much as I can..."
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"I do! I know a beetle you might like, we ought to pay her a visit together sometime."
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"A beetle huh? Hmm ok that sounds interesting! I'm sure she's just as nice as you"
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Yep, she's one of my best friends! I'm sure she'll be fine with us hanging out at her place for a while. Let's get going!" The dragonfly starts leading the way to his friend's home.
3 weeks, 4 days ago
"Alright I'm really excited to meet her!" *cubone happily follows the dragonfly, his bone club still in his hand and making their way together to the beetle's home*
3 weeks, 4 days ago
(Think this would be a good spot to stop, what about you?)
3 weeks, 4 days ago
(Sure I suppose so...not much more water action that'll be going on if we were to continue...heh, I enjoyed this rp, it was really cute and it made for a good story)
3 weeks, 4 days ago
(I liked it too, it was cute! First time writing something with a character with 4 arms, too, that was fun)
3 weeks, 4 days ago
(Sure was, but now I gotta wait until you can open your rps again... it was fun while it lasted tho, I already know as soon as you open the rps up again, I'm definitely doing one with gummigoo)
3 weeks, 4 days ago
(Yep, and like always, I'll PM you as soon as I reopen)
3 weeks, 4 days ago
(Alright buddy... be prepared that I may get busy towards the end of May, so even if you do reopen I may not be available...just so you know)
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