Hello, again friends. Meet Saria. Saria Hills. A Toucan bird (a Choco Toucan to be exactly) created just for me the great SpectrOSZ (https://twitter.com/SpectreOSZ). This was a custom character creaction I won in a free raffle late last year based around a moodboard I made for this (https://sta.sh/220g5qnl604b), and man can this artist deliver. Take the scatter mess of my board and turn out a character of high quality.
As for Saria. She a dancer kind of like my showgirl, Cinder but more of a exotic dancer. More with grace in her work than what my Chari girl can do. More showy but not in your face about it (unless she wants to be or she gets paid to do so that is). One of her favoites is being a belly dancer. She just love the energy feeling it gets when perform especially with a group of people watching. she's graceful and elegance who likes being a snicky tease at time and has a thing for jewelry. Put her in a bad bind or doesn't want to deal with somebodies crap and you will end up clawed and peck grace and elegance be damn.
In any case I'm very happy on how this Toucan turned out looking and love how much she looks. X3 Glad to have another character in the pile and I'm thankful for how good of a job :iconSpectrOSZ: did on Saria. ^^ Go check them out! (https://twitter.com/SpectreOSZ)