“Allright, here she is for her yearly check-up” The white-furred cat boldly declared with a rebellious tone. “And you better not scratch an inch of her paint job!” As Melody closed the door of her favourite muscle car and tossed the keys to the approaching mechanic. “Huh, haven’t seen you around here before.” The caramel-coloured cat smiled somewhat smugly in return. “Ah yes, the usual mechanic got… tied up with work, I’ll be doing the check-up in his stead~” “Well, don’t be too long. Gonna go on a roadtrip this weekend, and it’d better be in top condition.” Melody huffed as she turned to leave, not noticing the mechanic slowly sneaking up on her, a suspicious damp cloth in their hand. “What the f-ummph!” Before she knew what was happening, the larger woman grabbed her from behind and clamped the drugged cloth over her muzzle, slowly putting her to sleep…
When she came to, she found herself tightly trussed and perched on the intake of the V8 engine. “Ugh... Okay, lady, who the hell are y- ummph!!” Before she even noticed her kidnapper sitting beside her, a large rag was shoved into her mouth, quickly tied in place with a bandana. “Sssh-ssh-ssh~” The frisky faker mechanic purred at her captive, briefly stroking her now gagged cheek before reaching into the window and turning the key, starting up the engine. “Let me run some tests first~” “Mmmnnph~!!” Melody mewled into her muffling, as the V8 vibrated between her legs, quite erotically so for a car nut like her. Her captor teasing brushed the bound catgirl’s thighs. “There, there, no need to make a fuss. These puppies won’t get hot enough to hurt while idling, and the AC is on for fresh air while I get you going~” She then hoped onto her feet and strutted towards the office. “Enjoy the buzz, hun~ I’ll go check up on the chief and see if she’s is still snugly bound to her chair ~” “I’ll come back to see how you are doing in an hour or two, alright~?”
Art by :iconZinnick: Melody belongs to :iconMelodyStar: (I got this done for her birthday back in december, btw :3 ) Alicia is mine