I'm feeling the highest highest plot twist we could get Is Kyrlia be the one who "changed" the memories of TiNi, and a highest would be he got changed the memories even earlier with Kyrlia just "undoing" the changes with Propper word and healthy mechabisms like this one
I'm feeling the highest highest plot twist we could get Is Kyrlia be the one who "changed" the memor
Yeah, people misgender me all the time when I do phonecalls because my voice is a bit high even being 29 years old, calling me "miss". :T
It frustate me a bit but not to the point of being that ofended like how some radical trans or these also radical non-binary persons, where you can't even misgender a single time, even if it was an accident, they became toxic about it. Sure there some jerks that misgender on purpose, but if they are doing that for real, just tell them to fuck off and move on. Don't waste your time with them.
Yeah, people misgender me all the time when I do phonecalls because my voice is a bit high even bein