The Ascension
Space Elevator. Construction date unknown.
Even in the Modern Age of Xennos, there remains significant evidence of the human civilization which came before. Still, no example of human era architecture or technology can rival the last, fully functional space elevator. The base of the elevator rests on an artificial island a short distance off the coast of the animus megacity Frontier. The glittering towers of the anchor are almost synonymous with Frontier itself. The elevator supplies the city with near limitless energy from the tremendous low-orbit solar arrays and radiation converters. However, considered far more important is the massive treasure trove of mysterious human era technologies and databases which to this day remain nearly indecipherable to the animus scientists who study them. Under strict security protocols which prohibit any unauthorized ascent, only the highest ranking officers and most pre-eminent scientists and researchers are permitted access to the orbital platform. It is common knowledge that among those granted security clearance is the CEO of Heartfield Heavy Industries, George Heartfield.
The Twin Moons of Xennos
On a clear evening in Xennos, those inclined to watch the night sky will find themselves treated to the awe inspiring sight of the two twin moons Lunar and Ester. The average animus likely thinks no further than their beauty against the star studded backdrop, but a select group of high ranking Hunter officers and researchers are privy to one of the great mysteries of Xennos. While Lunar is a natural celestial object, Ester is not. An artificial unfinished remnant of a human-built trans-dimensional colony vessel, Ester was intended to take its human explorers not just on interstellar voyages, but indeed was planned to pierce even through dimensional barriers to map the multiverse itself. Legends now remembered only by a select few state that in the distant past Xennos had actually possessed three moons. What cataclysmic event could have been responsible for the disappearance of the third is a secret lost to time.
3 years ago
02 Mar 2022 06:26 CET
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