I was planning to work on Rouge but I had a moment of inspiration to look at Peg from my Halloween version and one thing lead to another and I ended up working till 1am as I kept tweaking till I ended up with this version.
The reason for the redesign is based on her name, I researched what type of animal she is. Apparently Peg is the name of a retriever dog, so with that in mind I reshaped her face to be more Lab like, but I tried to keep the colouring and style close to the original, there's plenty I could add to the design.
Oddly as I was working on it I thought it looked a little like Juno from Beastars, Might use the based head for other models as well. Things I might work more on in future is make the eyebrows fit better on her face and maybe extend the ears even more. But that'll have to happen once I get some more free time. More shots and updates on my pixiv. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/96396089
Well you are gonna need to make those ears even bigger. They are about as big as her face.It looks pretty close but a few things. The nose needs to come in a bit to that of a human.Yes their faces are the most human. The forelip is a bit too low. Eyes are just a bit too far out. An a little more forehead is needed. Looking at this. https://inkbunny.net/s/2625057
Well you are gonna need to make those ears even bigger. They are about as big as her face.It looks p