Easter 2012, I drank the Brony Kool-Aid. I've been very pleased with the show and its quality. I haven't seen anything this good to watch in a long, long time.
On top of that, the 2010s are a sort of retro-revival of 1990s culture (which I absolutely frecking adore).
I took Rainbow Dash, my favorite song from the 90s, and doodled this little bit together.
Rainbow is Dasher She's a horse companion Ponies see her everywhere Lift your hooves and haunches Spread your wings and join us You can fly up in the air
Wooah! It's her passion! Wooah! You can see her anywhere! Wooah! It's her passion! Wooah-ooah...
Rainbow... You can see it, ponies see it... Rainbow... Rainbow is a Dasher...
Let the rainbow fly you, guide you, get inside you, set your sight to move to its location- through Cloudsdale with- invitation, - so - it's all in place and... High and mighty must be key to see you take it all in, nothing to lose everything to win.
Let it control you, throw you, roll you, in the hole and through, touch it taste it, free yourself; let it persuade you.
Got to be what you wanna. If the skies don't take you that pony's gonna...
I know I'm gettin' faster when I say Rainbow is a Dasher.