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by thekzx
Commission - damntohell0
Another Christmas Eve Down
Commission - Thedingy
Commission - Matathesis
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Commission - Thedingy
Commission - Matathesis
What happens after https://inkbunny.net/s/2495655

Note: Brenda's shirt says 'So Happy I Have Twins' and her keychain 'stress doll' has seen better days.

Commission for

mother 10,621, son 7,615, parent 1,018, tay 737, brenda 126
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 2 years, 4 months ago
Rating: General

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2 years, 4 months ago
And Tay still acts stupid and lacks common sense (if he have any). Basically Tay obsession to cartoons ruined his thinking.
2 years, 4 months ago
I blame the rock and or roll music.
2 years, 4 months ago
RIP Tay's rear end when she gets to spanking him lol. Clearly he needs an attitude adjustment.
2 years, 4 months ago
Or maybe Izzy and Tay’s father needs to be more strict on Tay and discipline Tay harder.

2 years, 4 months ago
Starting to get the feeling that Brenda regrets reproducing.

And, honestly, I don’t blame her.
2 years, 4 months ago
And Tay still acts stupid and lacks common sense (if he have any). Basically Tay obsession to cartoons ruined his thinking.
2 years, 4 months ago
You already said that.
2 years, 4 months ago
I thought her tshirt said "So hard, I had twins."
We don't know if Tay did anything wrong. But he probably did. Losing his clothes was only the thing they caught him at.
2 years, 4 months ago
He did do something wrong. There's a link in the description.
2 years, 4 months ago
First the Denny's, then the Wendy's, then the Arby's. Miranda just wanted lunch. :) They already were banned from White Castle.
2 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for posting, this is amazing.
2 years, 4 months ago
Oh someones getting a spanking. Please tell me we're getting a follow up.
2 years, 4 months ago
Spanking doesn't teach a kid not to do the thing they're being punished for, it only teaches them to avoid getting caught, and to resent the person who spanked them.
2 years, 4 months ago
"Spare the rod, spoil the child."

If a child does not learn that there are consequences to their actions then they will grow up thinking that they can get away with anything. And I mean ANYTHING. NYC/NYS, NJ, Conn and other city/states that have been releasing those who commit crimes because they can not afford bail are all of the sudden having repeat offenders and a rise in their crime stats for more violent crimes. Furthermore those states that has legalized "recreational use" of Marijuana have also seeing a rising spike in crimes, DUI/DWIs and major traffic accidents - all because those who partake in getting high and think they can go out and do what ever they what. IMHO Marijuana should be illegal except for medical usage and under the supervision of a doctor.

A child does not learn that there are consequences to their actions also will grow up thinking that they are more important than others and gain an entitlement belief that the world owes them everything, and have little to no respect to others. It is all about them, a lot more than just what it was during the "Me Generation" of the 90s and 2000s. One who has no respect for others does not have respect for the property of other and the law.
2 years, 4 months ago
"No spankings" doesn't mean "no punishments." There are other ways to punish a child besides spankings. Things like grounding, taking away the kids' toys, giving them a tiring/difficult/time consuming chore, or making them eat something they don't like come to mind, as ways to punish a kid without touching their buttocks. And it'll be more memorable if the punishment method reminds the child of the thing they're being punished for. Running off and getting lost? Grounding would fit best. Taking some kids' toy? Taking THEIR toy away would fit best. Procrastinating? The difficult chore. Vandalism? Make them clean it up. Wasting food? Give them only gross food. All these will be more memorable, and make the kid think about how their actions made others feel, than if every punishment is a spanking. And by the way, if your kid starts a fight and hurts someone, THAT'S when a spanking would be a fitting punishment.
2 years, 4 months ago
Grounding do not work, taking away privileges does not work, putting them in a corner for a time out does not work.

It is obvious you never dealt with children in your adult life as either a teacher, mentor or parent, so what you think works does not in the real world. You are just like those idiot in PETA that claim that farm animals are being abused while being cared for at a farm because they never handled an animal before and sees such handling as rough and mean to the animal. Just do us all a favor - GROW UP, GET A GIRLFRIEND, MAKE A FAMILY AND DEAL WITH YOUR KIDS THE WAY YOU SEE FIT. And when your way blows up in your face - I'll be laughing thousands of miles away.
2 years, 4 months ago
I'm not attracted to women. I wouldn't find happiness married to one. Adoption is a valid way to have kids though, as is marrying someone who already has kids. Copulation isn't the only way.
" Grounding do not work, taking away privileges does not work, putting them in a corner for a time out does not work.

Have you tried those methods? How many times? Have you seen those methods used? Or are you just assuming?

Also, I was an assistant in a Sunday school class for a few years, before I moved out of my parents' house.
2 years, 4 months ago
Being gay, homo, bi or what ever is no excuse for not being  parent. Whether you like to lick sausages or tacos - that is on you and not an excuse of being more than you who are. There are many LGBTQXYZ-Whatever People out there who are parents to children who are of their DNA or Adopted, and in either case, there is no greater love of that of a child has over a parent and the parent must return to the child. Many of my friends who are in the Alternative Lifestyles do have children and many of them are single parents like I was to my six daughters of which three were adopted, so what is YOUR Excuse? Do you know how many children out there who are waiting for somebody to take them home and show them love and a better life than the system can give them?

Six girls, 20+ years of teaching them right and wrong, mistake that they made, wrong doing that they did - countless. How many times I tried to be the "Nice Father?" More than you can dare count. How many times it worked? Never. How many times I sent my fist through a wall in anger to what they did? You do not want to know, but I never laid a hand in anger to my girls - not ever. How many times they straighten up after I pulled my hand out of the wall and yell at them to go to their room? That is between me and them, but they never repeated that offense again. Furthermore, the girls learned to police themselves and in many cases one tells the other "You do not want daddy to get mad at you!" In short, I raised my girls as I saw fit and needed. And they all grew up as award and scholarship winning, went to the best colleges, did not do drugs or crimes, full productive adults that they can be - 3 doctors, 2 lawyers and 1 computer expert at MS.

And many of my students ended up in similar positive situations as well. I did my best to make the world a better place for all that were part of my life. I had my life and hung out with friends, dated those women who I was was interested in as a straight male, but I also gave food, money and presents to those children and families who needed it after I found out that they had a need they could not fulfill. It is not about going something for a tax write off and get a false sense of happiness that one did something good for someone else, like giving a quarter to a beggar on the street. I did it to make them feel good, to see the smiles on their faces and the thanks that leaves their lips. I also went out and got many of my students scholarships because they could not afford college. I got them laptops, computer and printers, connected them with mentoring programs, and taught them that once they get to the top, to reach down and help somebody climb to their success.

What is your excuse for not doing the same to others? What is your excuse for having and raising a child? What is your malfunction  in not being all you can be? As I stated before You are just existing? Yet like I threw at you and you have defense for, you are not the person you think you are. And belittling others who are out there helping others like myself and
who is a hospital worker who helps those for the past 20 years and especially now during this pandemic. People like you makes me sick.
2 years, 4 months ago
" How many times I sent my fist through a wall in anger to what they did?

" but I never laid a hand in anger to my girls - not ever.

So you do know how to punish someone without spanking them. And you didn't spank them ever. So why were you defending the practice of spanking earlier? Are you walking that back?
2 years, 4 months ago
Jesus fucking christ, why the fuck do you two insist on polluting my comments sections with your inane bullshit arguments? For fuck's sake, how often do I have to trim this crap?

I come back to my phone after a long day of work, I see 12 comments. That fills me with a great feeling because I love feedback. All of that comes crashing down because I soon realize it's YOU TWO arguing, OF COURSE. WHAT A SURPRISE.

Fucking shit, I'm tired of this. No one's reading this shit, just fucking stop it, please, goddamn. What a selfish fucking thing to do.
2 years, 4 months ago
White-hot stars of rage in her eyes.
2 years, 4 months ago
That's his mother, Brenda? And he's still alive? *SMH*

If it were my mother, I would not be alive at that point. If it were my grandmother, there would be no body to find and bury. Really. Such actions that Tay is taking would be the Death Penalty for some.
2 years, 4 months ago
Why do you keep advocating death? GDI
2 years, 4 months ago
As I stated above - it is obvious you never handled a child in your adult years.

I was a teacher/mentor to thousands in my 30 years of teaching and 6 in my lifetime of parenting. None of the kids I dealt with and especially my own grew up to the dregs of society like you seem to be.

When you have an adult you do not know come up to you and hug you saying "Thanks for what you taught me" then you can speak. But from you stated about your life - you will never get that chance and yet for me it is a weekly occurrence when I walk the streets of NYC as I run into my past students all the time.
2 years, 4 months ago
That doesn't address my question at all.
2 years, 4 months ago
You are not and by your current life choices, will never be a parent, never be a teacher or mentor to those who needs to be taught. And thus because of this, you will never understand the answer that I gave because it answers the question but you do not understand the answer. Just like:

Question: 2 + 2 = 5?
Answer: Yes.
Explanation: In the higher forms of mathematics, numbers are just symbols and as symbols can refer to any value. Thus in this example: 2 + 2 does equal 5.
2 years, 4 months ago
So you're telling me the reason you repeatedly advocate for death is because you believe I've never handled a child? That really doesn't follow.
2 years, 4 months ago
"PARKING EAR" is a great little visual gag hehe.
2 years, 4 months ago
wow, thank you. someone noticed n__n
2 years, 4 months ago
I laughed pretty good when I saw that. Feel bad for Tay but probably deserves it xD

Kzx, just wanted to say, thank you so much for all the art that you put out. Many of us enjoy it for what it is and love each thing that you do and put out, so again, thank you <3 <3
2 years, 4 months ago
Thank you so much. I love to hear such words n__n
2 years, 4 months ago
You can just ban the dumb cunts you keep locking above :D
2 years, 4 months ago
Keeping around as examples of how not to act.
2 years, 4 months ago
I don't remember my folks ever being especially severe with punishments. But I knew there were things you simply DID NOT DO or say. I think I was more worried about simply being "in trouble" as it felt shameful! But by the time I hit high school, I was swearing like an Aussie sailor? trucker? kangaroo wrangler, at least when with friends. I think it's kind of a hopeless fight, parents trying to curb kids' language. :D
2 years, 4 months ago
Lol I gotta use that sometime, 'Swearing like a kangaroo wrangler' lol
2 years, 4 months ago
*not an actual Australian saying, lol
2 years, 4 months ago
No, didn't think it was. It's just funny
2 years, 4 months ago
hehe that's one of Australia's fav words i think x3
2 years, 4 months ago
It's so versatile too! You can say " 'sup cunt!" to your best mate, or "Fuck Off You Dumb Cunt!" to someone who cut you off in traffic. Or just "CUNT" when something goes wrong.
2 years, 4 months ago
lol it wouldn't surprise me if the word "cunt" will simply mean "person" or even "thing" in a few hundred years time xD
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