So, this week's prompt is "Micro". I just knew I have to draw Fiat 126p for that one ;)
For those outside Polish moto-scene of the 1970s - Fiat 126p (commonly known as "maluch" - "small one") was one of the only affordable cars in the dark times of communism in Poland. There were tons of jokes regarding the vehicle and its size (for example: What do you do when your maluch breaks down? I pick it up and continue by foot).
The car also had a sports version which was used for racing (yes, and even international, like Saarland Rally in 1984).
2 years, 10 months ago
15 Feb 2022 16:56 CET
Initial: 035466b9cb91016cfa54690cdfccba83
Full Size: 9198bfc074bb21ad6ba4b7dec6fca20b
Large: e1fe8a7b0e659baa44654d4b9cca9578
Small: 5554288d92db39532bf53dfd6cd8d272
4 favorites
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