At Glasshouse Primary school they had a group of people come and present them stuff about life in the middle ages all with costumes and everything. All the puppies were really interested (mostly in the costumes) and after the presentation, Bluey wanted to play court. She had asked Calypso to gave her notes on the roles people played in court and asked who wanted to play, before assigning roles as she saw fit. Of course, Loupy was going to be the princess, as per the nickname everyone gave him. The Terriers, without surprise, became guards. Snow was named Knight of Plushtown, with Mackenzie as his squire, Rusty was captain of the guard, Chloe was chief cook, Indy was a queen from the kingdom of Pastthecorner, with Honey as her princess, Lucky was Bluey's king and Coco was Indy's King, Snickers played with a trumpet as the herald, while Winton did same for the Kingdom of Pastthecorner. But when it come to find a job for Fiona, Bluey had found the perfect job : lady in waiting, since she saw one during the presentation and it sounded perfect for the chocolate pup. But alas, she misread Fiona's title and everybody found the new one even more perfect !