At some time in the roleplaying, Crowley is imprisoned in the Dog Town jail cell with Clawe, the wolf villain who wants nothing more than to see Dog Town burn to the ground and dig his claws into Brandon, the new sheriff. However, Crowley is a non-giving up type of bounty hunter who will never stop hunting someone until they are caught, and he already knows where Boot Hill is, and even though Clawe stubbornly refuses to make any deal with his new cellmate at the moment involving manhunts, Crowley bides his time in looking for an opportunity to break out of prison, and even if he somehow manages to persuade Clawe in any way about what he has to give, it would only stay that way until they break out and go about their own business.
And after everything that has happened to Boot Hill Buzzard ever since he was admitted into the Dog Town Hospital, he's still dealing with several symptoms of traumatic brain injury where he sometimes can't talk straight, think straight or understand too much, can't recognize common things, has lack of restraint, anxiety, loneliness (which is why nobody leaves him alone for five minutes anymore without him having some kind of meltdown or outburst), dizziness, fatigue, balance disorder, bruising, depression, or stiff muscles. And although Crowley is in the Dog Town jail house, Boot Hill doesn't know what happened and still believes he needs to leave before the full moon arrives as Skull Duggery forewarned him and to watch for the sign that only he can see and is warned never to tell anyone, or else bad things will happen because of him. Even in his unconscious mind as he sleeps, Boot Hill still fears Crowley will come for him again, not even knowing what he plans to do once he is captured. While he has trouble remembering every single detail due to his head injury, or the fact that Crowley left him hospitalized to begin with, he still remembers how Crowley broke into the hospital room and pointed a gun to his head, trying to force Boot Hill to confess his sins as he pleads with him not to pull that trigger, which forces the truth out of him on why he didn't give up his life as an outlaw, even when he wanted to. But even that doesn't change Crowley's beliefs or his view on vultures needing to be hunted down and eliminated to save his kind from being overpowered.
Now the full moon is still only a week and a half away, and although we haven't gotten far in what happens after that, Crowley predicts for Boot Hill to make a mistake that will lead straight into his clutches, but not before using one last string of manipulation into his mind and possibly make him witness what is happening to Dog Town and the civilians...because of him. As long as Boot Hill remains in anywhere on the mesa in Cow Town, Dog Town, or any other town, chaos, death, and destruction will follow, and they'll all know who is to blame for it, as Crowley points to Boot Hill himself, a WANTED outlaw that's hurt more than enough civilians with his past crimes, and his refusal to go with Crowley will bring the death of Harmony and his mother, unless Boot Hill finally surrenders himself if there is any decency in not wanting anyone to die because of him. And if he goes with Crowley, nobody will ever have to know he was ever in Dog Town, being hunted down for past crimes or the sins of his ancestors. By the looks of it, Crowley's manipulative and twisted words has gotten into Boot Hill's mind about everything that he is right, meaning that to stop what's happening means to surrender himself, despite how scared he is of doing so, but he can't bear to see what's happening, which is not what he signed up for when he became an outlaw. This was not what he wanted, but he never thought anything he did before would lead to this.
I don't own anything from Wild West Cowboys of Moo Mesa
bounty hunter
male avian
wild west cowboys of moo mesa
boothill buzzard
3 years ago
27 Jan 2022 07:42 CET
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