This might feel nice if I was spanked but I wasn’t. This is a punishment for small young children (I’m all three) Place a child bottom down in a bucket of cold water, brrr. The message is, if you’re so heated up with anger, cold water will cool you down. Not fun.
Of course. just dumping them in cold water to cool off the anger is a bit... cold... if only because you don't care about the source of their anger, just to get rid of it. Sometimes it's good to address the source of the anger and be there for them when the big emotions hit.
Of course. just dumping them in cold water to cool off the anger is a bit... cold... if only because
Awww lookit dat res- resig- resigna… defeat on your facey-wacey. Now, will bunny boy behave or is Mamma Pi gonna hafta add a punishment of her own? (So many cute visual cues, such as the submissive left arm, and the folded right ear)
Awww lookit dat res- resig- resigna… defeat on your facey-wacey. Now, will bunny boy behave or is Ma
I'd love to read a story where you or another child is put bottom-first into a bucket of water, but rest assured if this little Kit is present, he'll give you a cuddle once it's all over.
By the way, where has this been done in real life? It's the first time I've heard of this!
I'd love to read a story where you or another child is put bottom-first into a bucket of water, but