I met him online on a forum dedicated to fanfiction for our favorite game. He was nice. I liked him a lot. We talked whenever he commented on my stories, as bad as they were. It didn’t matter. He liked what I made. And I liked him for being a fan. Over time, our conversations shifted from the comments section, to private messages. We exchanged social media, got connected, and started talking off-site. Every morning, every night, we just talked. Sometimes it was long, thought-provoking conversations about our greatest fears for the future, other times it was just to say ‘hi’. It was great. I was happy. He made me happy. And it seems, He felt the same way. One night, during one of our long talks about life, he said it. He said he loved me. My heart leaped. I said I loved him too. You’d think that things might change between us after that, but… no. We were mostly just friends, first and foremost. Friends that loved each other. Not to say we didn’t get mushy even now and then. We were two little gays who wanted to shout it to the world. Eventually, we started getting more serious about our relationship. We talked, we discussed. We decided to take the next big step…
Long-Distance Relationship is an LGBT-themed visual novel story about two gay boys meeting online and developing a relationship over several years. It's only a matter of time until they start thinking about getting serious with their relationship and decide to move in together. It's no simple feat; Shazador lives in Paraná, Brazil; Alex lives in New Mexico, USA. The two couldn't possibly be further apart, but love is truly a powerful force. Everything between the two is about to change forever.
Long-Distance Relationship is being actively developed solely by me and will release... some time. Spring 2022 I'd imagine but don't hold me to that. I hope you look forward to it.