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A stinky wish (Fairly odd parents)
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yamijoeysdog's Gallery (1758)

Mommies little models (Ladybug and cat noir)

His brain is gonna end up in his diapers.
Keywords male 1198846, female 1089490, human 108710, diaper 78521, diapers 22057, messy diaper 6781, diaperboy 2365, chloe 558, diapergirl 522, mental regression 264, miraculous ladybug 185, adrien 69, marinette 67
Some days being a teen model was super cool and had more then a few highlights to it, like fancy parties and getting first dibs at the best clothes. But there were other days where being a teen model sucked total balls and Adrien Agreste had a feeling today was gonna be one of them.
He was already wary about the whole thing after finding out his father was loaning him out to model a product line that the Mayor was pushing (More to the point, the Mayors wife, and they both knew how petty and spiteful SHE could be!) but it went from bad to worse as he was told Chloe of all people would be head of the set, making sure Adrien was 'in character' and 'looking his best.' Toss in he hadn't even been told WHAT he was modeling yet and yeah, today was going to suck..a lot. Still he was a professional darn it, and he tried to put a positive spin on everything as he made his way to the studio where they'd be taking pictures.
That attuide died as a blush rose to his cheek when he walked in..and saw a teen sized nursery set up, And Chloe waiting for him by the changing table.
"There's our little star! clear the set everyone, I have to get our little super star ready!" She called out, holding up one of the thickest diapers the boy had ever seen.
"..Cas ca fuck." Adrien whined softly.

Chloe smirked as she saw the reaction from her darling little guy. It wasn't the response she had been deep down hoping for when she had set all of this up, but she was practical enough to know that it was highly unlikely that any teenager was going to be thrilled with the prospect of going back into diapers, let alone teen baby diapers.
being a wanna be mommy dom but wanting big babies, not the constantly crying and no fun actual babies, Chloe had used every ounce of her influence and own bratty skills to browbeat her parents into setting up a mock campaign for teen baby diapers. She doubted that there would really be a market for them but all she needed was one day, two models and she could walk away with two big babies to spoil, love and tease.
She also showed off just how clever she could be by making sure that her baby boy was Adrien, not just because well he was the hunkiest hunk of them all, but by knowing that her ideal baby girl had the biggest crush on him so it would make her easier to bring into the fold.
As the last of the studio hands cleared the area leaving them alone, Chloe patted the changing table with one hand, the other holding up the puffy white with little kitties on it diaper.
"Well, come on little guy, we're wasting time and money." She said.

"Uh..Ok..what exactly..is.." Adrien said, even as he started towards Chloe.
His professional side wouldn't let him waste money just because he was standing around and nervous, it was how he had been able to do those underoo ad's two years back after all.
"Oh, I thought you got the memo, I did send it to your dad this morning." Chloe lied. "We're promoting a brand of diapers just for teen babies, little kitties!" she said, waving the diaper around. "and naturally when i thought about who to have mode it, you came to mind. someone as cool and awesome as you rocking pampers will have boys lining up around the block!"
"...I..didn't really know there WAS a teen baby movement." Adrien said, coming onto the set and over by the changing table. "Much less that you were into it. So..are you gonna be wearing too or.." he asked, doubting Chloe would be but loving the sudden blush on her face.
"heh..yeah no. I just diaper the big babies and shower them with love. now enough talking, more striping." she said smirking.
"Ahhh yeah..about that.. Do you really need to be the one to put it on? and can I keep my underwear on and just put the diaper over them?" He asked, setting his jacket down and starting to take off his shirt.
"Heh, yup~ have you ever even changed a diaper? and self diapering is hard.  as for you wearing your undies.." Chloe trailed off, watching the blond slide his pants off and biting her lip.
"Yes?" Adrien asked, waiting on her to finish and blushing, the way she was looking at him made him wanna cover up big time.
"..where was I?" Chloe asked, shaking her head and blushing a lot.
"You were about to give the ok to just put the diaper over my undies." Adrien said.
"Oh! yeah, no. See we're also gonna have you showing off how much these can hold, so unless you wanna crap those designer briefs.."  She said and winked.
"C-Crap my..You want me to poop myself!?!" Adrien yelped up, going full on blush mode now.
"well and wet yourself." Chloe said with a smile that suggested the question was silly.
"What are you, high!?!"

Needless to say, it took a bit of back and forth after that, though Chloe wasn't mad at Adrien for his reaction. She knew anyways that once he was sitting in a packed pamper he'd love it anyways and would be gushing over how awesome and cool she was for opening his eyes to the wonders of being a stinker.
Still, she had to actually GET him in the diaper first so one step at a time.
"Adrien, this is happening. Your dad already signed on the contract and do you REALLY think my parents aren't the type to take this to court?" she asked.
it was a harsh stance but she was burning time, and wanted to get him padded and dressed before the other model showed up.
"I..ngggh.." Adrien huffed and looked down, but then slowly nodded his head. Closing his eyes he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his undies and tugged them down, then climbed onto the changing table. hands over his eyes. "Please just make it quick."
Chloe was gushing over just how friggen cute he was and wanted to bask in the sight, but alas, time was NOT on her side. getting the diaper under Adrien's perfect butt, Chloe poured on the baby powder and got it taped up nice and snug on him, patting the front and getting a squirm and yelp from the freshly diapered boy in response.
"See? was that SO hard?" Chloe asked, helping him sit up, and loving how no matter how much he tried to bring his legs together the bulky diaper wouldn't let him.
"I..this feels weird." Adrien said in a small voice.
"Heh, don't worry little guy, Mommies here. now let's get your top on you and get a ba-ba in your mouth. the other model should be here soon." She said, tugging out a cream white colored t-shirt with the words 'little kitty kat' on the front of it from one of the changing tables drawers.
"Other model?" Adrien asked, holding his arms up for her to tug the shirt on him.
"Of course, we have to show that girls can be cute big babies too. I think you and Marinette are gonna look SO cute together in stinky diapies!" Chloe gushed.

Marinette still couldn't believe this was happened as she rushed towards the studio. Her of all people getting picked to be a model?! AND on a shoot with Adrien!? It felt like a dream come, or some kind of prank but the paperwork had all checked out and she'd even been paid already. No one would of forked over that kind of cash just for a joke right?
Granted the contract hadn't said exactly WHAT she was modeling but it could of been puppy suits and she would of been all in if it meant doing it with Adrien!
her excitement however turned into confusion as she came up to the set, sure that she'd been giving the wrong directions at first because it was some kind of big kid nursery, with a crib, a changing table, the whole nine yards.
"And there's our other star!" Came the voice of Chloe.
Marinette turned her gaze to Chloe, and then did a double..then a triple take.
it wasn't the fact that the alpha bitch from high school was here that had her rubbing her eyes however.It was the fact that sitting on the floor next to her, blushing and drinking purple juice from a baby bottle was her crush..and he was in a diaper and t-shirt!
"I..Uh..what?" Marinette asked, at a lost for words.
"Well spoken. come on, we're running behind schedule as is. get that cute butt over to the changing table." Chloe said, moving toward it. Noticing that Marinette was still standing in place, looking at Adrien, Chloe snapped her fingers. "Today sweetie, or do you need me to take your hand?"
"No really..what?"Marinette asked, convinced this was some sort of prank show and that was really just a look alike. 'Then again he's too cute to be a stand in..wow..Adrien is cute no matter what he wears!'
She was shaken out of her mental gushing as Chloe came over and took her hand, leading her to the changing table.
"Sorry little girl, but we DO have a time table to keep." She said and hoped the dazed brunette up onto the table. "Adrien, I'm gonna need you to be a little gentleman and look away, I'm sure that despite their small size, Little Marinette doesn't want you seeing her boobies."
the comment made both babies blush anew and Adrien turned away, finding something to stare at on the wall while Marinette semi covered her chest.
"They're not THAT small!" She huffed.
"Mmmhmm whatever you say."Chloe said with a eye roll, fishing out a diaper.

The end result was the pair now in matching diapers and t-shirt, and with their tummies full of poopie juice doing as many poses as they could before well, the 'magic' happened.
this was a far cry from the duo's normal crime fighting team up but they worked well together, bumping their diaper butt's together for a 'kiss' of sorts, finding over a teddy bear, leaning down and peeking though their leg to the camera etc.
"This is..Kinda more fun then I thought it would be." Marinette giggled as she played with a dolly.
"Most relaxed photo shoot I've ever done." Adrien agreed, making a house for Marinette's dollies out of blocks when suddenly he hunched over, holding his tummy.
"Adrien, are you ok?" Marinette asked, starting to rush over when a muffled fart came out of his back side and made her fall back on her pampered rear, holding her nose. "H-Hey!"
"S-Sorry! tummy is cramping BIG time!" the mortified boy whined.
"Oh, that must mean the juice is working! Alright people, magic time! Adrien I'm gonna need you to get up and brace yourself on the wall, so we can get lots of pictures as you make a big stinky diapie for mommy." Chloe coo'ed, coming over and offering him her hands to help get up, and giving Marinette a look too. "Don't worry sweetie, you'll be making a stinky present soon soon."
Adrien was going to argue that Chloe wasn't his mommy, but a painful cramp cut that argument short and he was accepting the hands, putting all of his will power in keeping his diapers clear till they were ready shoot..he didn't wanna have to do a retake.

With her baby boy set up perfectly, Chloe stoked his hair and offered him a pacifier.
"It'll give you something to bite down on and help keep you from grunting too loudly..you don't wanna scare Marinette do you?" she asked, and then slipped the white mouth guard paci into the boys mouth, gushing and almost melting as he suckled rapidly.
Just before Chloe could give the order to get the camera ready a loud super wet fart was heard, but it didn't come from Adrien.
"Mommy!" Marinette yelped, going crimson and holding her own tummy with one hand and her nose with the other.
"Heh, Monkey see monkey do. That or someone got jealous." Chloe teased, but rushed over, helping to get Marinette next to Adrien and giving her a pink mouth guard paci.
Moving out of the way of the shot, Chloe gave a simple command, but both the crew and the soon to be permanent big babies obeyed.
Loud grunts and signs of relief could be heard, if one had sharp enough ears to catch them under the dueling farts of the big babies but the diapers were soon bloating out and discoloring  even as the studio filled up with the less then charming smell.
"Somebody better open a window, these little stinkers are going for the gold in the diaper pooping games!" She giggled, feeling lightheaded and not sure if it was because of the fumes out just how cute the pair looked.
Adrien was the first one to finish,his diaper heavy in the front and back and sinking down to his heads, sweat dripping down his face from the effort and eyes glazed and clearly fighting to stay awake.
But it was Marinette who much of been backed up before this, likely from a bread heavy diet, and was still going and proving she was gonna be mommies little super pooper. Her paci had fallen out of her mouth at some point and she was drooling big time, apparently her brain frying as she finished up.
"Mommy! Mommy wook at mah big stinky! I made a SUPER big one! I'm da best pooper!" The dazed Marinette coo'ed and giggled, oh so proud of herself.
"Heh..Yup, you sure are~ Let mommy come over and see." Chloe coo'ed, this was even better then she could of hoped for and she didn't think it could get any better as she patted and squished Marionettes smelly behind, praising her.
As it turned out, she was dead wrong, it COLD and DID get better.
"H-hey no fairs! I want bum pats too!" Adrien whined, letting his paci fall out.
Before Chloe could go and tell him of course, Marinette spoke up, going super brat. "Pffft nope! Butt pats are for SUPER poopers! not whinny little pamper farts. I bet you didn't even poop!"
"I did so! see!" Adrien whined and swatted his own stinky butt over and over, the squishes proving it.
'Oh my god, this is too perfect!' Chloe giggle to herself.  out loud though.."Now now you two, settle down, Mommy has enough bum pats for both of you."
Getting a cry of YAY! from both of them Chloe found herself being hugged and kissed by the two big babies, a heart melting moment that would of been a bit better if her eyes hadn't been watering from the smell.

In the aftermath of baby day as the incident became known, Chloe semi adopted Adrien and Chloe, in the sense that her parents did but left all the care taking up to her.
of course the parents had been less then pleased but when it was pointed out how full on derp the two had become and how much they needed their mommy, well.. Marinette's parents gave in first and Adrien's father was finally forced into giving in due to the mayor suddenly making it next to impossible for him to show off his work, rent studios etc etc.
Hawkmoth of course would of gone for revenge but with the two heroes taken out, their miraculous found new owners in Ivan Bruel and Mireille Cauquet, Ironically with Him as the new ladybug and her as the new cat noir. they proved to be more proactive then Adrien and Marinette had been and had Hawkmoth on the back foot, too busy trying to stay afloat to plot out his revenge.

If Marinette or Adrien regretted losing out their super powers, it was more then made up with having the best nursery every , massive and half a little boys dream and half a little girls.They wanted for nothing, getting their diapers changed as soon as they asked for it and frankly, were spoiled rotten when it came to getting toys, each of them had at least three chests full of toys.
unlike what you might expect, while they did eat from highchairs it wasn't baby food and formula her babies drank, though it wasn't fine dining either: mostly just lots of finger foods so the babies could feed themselves when they weren't getting into food fights.

The ONE thing the new brother and sister of sorts would fight about over and over though was who was the diaper pooping champion and to that end hanging on the wall in the middle of their nursery where pastel pink would meet baby blue was a chalk board where it was tallied who had won when the two babies had their weekly poop off.
Much like the first day in the photo shoot it was Marinette who had the lions share of wins, with Adrien always coming up with a excuse he'd made a big poopie the day before and had nothing left in the tanks.
It went without saying that the two were pulled from school, as no one was gonna wanna have to smell the little stinkers let alone well..they had CLEARLY lost more then a few IQ points and both were struggling with reading Dr. Seus books.. advance math and the like was clearly going to be out of their reach.

And so, with a expert ease that Hawkmoth wishes he would of had and without meaning two, Chloe had turned a pair of superhero's into a couple of diaper babies, but had to wonder deep down as she tucked them into bed at night..how much of this had been her, and how much had been the two of them having always wanted to be a baby?
in the end it didn't really matter though, she had her babies and she was never letting them go.

The end
Com for snakeman12, enjoy!

male 1,198,846, female 1,089,490, human 108,710, diaper 78,521, diapers 22,057, messy diaper 6,781, diaperboy 2,365, chloe 558, diapergirl 522, mental regression 264, miraculous ladybug 185, adrien 69, marinette 67
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 3 years, 2 months ago
Rating: General

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8 months ago
I was hoping for a sequel
8 months ago
just never really panned out ^^()
8 months ago
OK I understand
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