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If your gonna ACT like a baby...

A stinky wish (Fairly odd parents)
Keywords male 1198164, female 1088693, human 108637, diaper 78447, diapers 22041, diaperboy 2365, diapergirl 519, ben 446, malcore 269, mental regression 264, diaperboys 94, des 40, jacob wolfe 6, alex wolfe 5
Benny Tyson wasn't like most other kids his age, though it wasn't exactly hard to tell what his biggest malfunction was just by looking at him, or getting a whiff of the 7 year old when he'd come close after lunch/trying to enter his room.
the 7 year old was great at math, brilliant at reading and had a awesome tactical mind for playing video games but honestly was just super duper lazy.
The biggest sign of his laziness was the thick bulky diaper taped around his hips, with him in just his PJ top and playing videos games even though it was 11 am on a Monday morning.
It wasn't that the boy hadn't been potty trained, he had at a young age and his parents had been SO proud but as he got older he realized that babies had it the best, just going in their pants and not having to get up and use a potty and all that jazz.
Technically he was suppose to be changing himself but when it came down to it, he could handle the stink and the mushy feeling longer then his parents could and so they always ended up changing him.
It was his diapers and lack of effort to handle them actually despite his amazing grade had him suspended from school at the moment, till he could learn to potty like a big boy (Like THAT was gonna happen!) and he was suppose to be getting ready for his new 'school' so to speak: a daycare that had promised to solve the problem.
'eh, Better people have tried and I'm still a stinker.' Ben thought as he finished up his game. 'Only downside is everyone I play with online is at school right now.'
"Benjamin Ryan Taylor I swear to god you had better be getting dressed! you know I have to at work for 1 pm!" his mother Jessie called out.
'Oh crap..she full named more.' The little guy thought  that he was pushing his luck as of late and went to get up, only to notice that while he had been playing he'd just filled his diapers and hadn't notice it.
'..Huh maybe their onto something with wanting me to go go and re-train..' He thought sheepishly then called out "Mommmm! I went poopie! and you can change me quicker then I can change myself!" he hollered.
Jessie's head poked in the door, looking annoyed and then sighed, walking fully in and holding her nose. "Your lucky I need to make this quick kiddo." She said and pointed to his changing mat on the floor.
"Puh-lease, no way you were gonna take me in the car with a fudged huggie. last time you and daddy had to take it to a dealer to get the stink out." he giggled, wagging his eyebrows and then to waddle over, but geez.. this last load had been a mega one!
"Heh, just crawl captain stinky pants." His mom giggled, watching the massive load sag in the back.
"Mooom! Crawling for babies!" Ben huffed and whined, only to get a look of 'oh really from his. "..Whatever..I want McDonald's on the ride home."
As he crawled on all fours and his mush tush wiggled back and forth she snickered. "We'll see how daycare goes."

one long and squirmy diaper change later and Ben was strapped into his car seat, something that was there less because he was so short but more in case he had a diaper blowout.
"Moooom when are we gonna get rid of the stupid baby seat?" Ben huffed as he was buckled in, Jessie smirking.
"Right about the time someone decides to go back to using the potty. it's easier to replace a car seat then to wash the can." She said, then kissed his forehead and got behind the front wheel.
Ben huffed and wiped the kiss off, and patted his his brown hair trying to get his wild boy look back.  At least she wasn't following though on dad's threat of sending him to daycare in just a top and a diaper..or just diapers so he was in a dark blue top and large light brown cargo shorts that really didn't do much to hide the size of his diaper, with him being a super pooper thin and discreet diapers were nothing but a mistake waiting to happen.
"Don't look so glum back there, I bet you make LOTS of friends at daycare sweetie! and even if you just become a even bigger baby I'l-" Jessie started to say, looking back using the mirror as she was driving them towards the daycare, but Ben cut her off.
"Oh my god mom stoppp!" He whined and squirmed and kicked his legs. he hated it when his mom went and tried to baby him, he just pooped and peed in diapers, he wasn't a freaking baby!

Getting to the massive building Ben felt suddenly shy as his mom walked him in, leading up to the receptionist, trying to hide behind her.
A older lady with salt and pepper hair and big red classes was dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a light pink shirt with her name on the front..apparently she was Betty.
"Why hello there, you be be little Benny and his mommy!" Betty said, standing up and offering a hand to Jessie and then smiling down at Benny.
"Not that little!" Ben whined.
"Oh of course not, just have a few problems. I'm sure you'll be the kooliest kid in the nursery section." Betty said and winked.
"N-Nursery section?! but I'm -7-!" Ben whined and huffed.
"Sorry sweetie, thats where all the diapers and changing supplies are. But I bet in a weeks time you'll be upstairs in the big kids room." She coo'ed and tapped away on the computer in front of her.
a computer screen appeared and some kind of scanner was above it and Ben raised a eye brow.
"Benny, while me and your Mommy finish up some homework, I'm gonna need you to lean in and let the computer scan you so we have a up to date picture of you.  It won't hurt and its just for legal reasons." Betty said.
"Ugh.. finnne whatever." Ben huffed.
He put his face in front of the computer screen and then the scanner was letting out a weird light and he couldn't be sure but it almost looked like words where flashing on it.

"..So how long with it last?" Jessie asked, biting her lip as she watched Ben getting hit with the toddler maker 3000.
"Well it'll wear off from just one dose in about a week, but if he's going to be coming in everyday he'll be stuck in toddler land for the rest of his life. But it'll give you a chance to think about if you really wanna make your cute little guy a big diaper pooping toddler.
"I mean, he basically already is and he's only going to get more miserable with all of his smarts when he can't go to school because he's just a diaper filler. This way he gets his diapers and.." Jessie trailed off, grinning big time as Ben started to suck his thumb.
despite there being no sound, while his widdle brain was being rewritten Ben wouldn't be able to hear how his parents had set him up to go back into permanent toddler hood.
"and you get your little man back. I can see why you'd wanna baby him if he's just gonna make mud bombs. " Betty chuckled. "Are you going to want the recording from the cameras as the effects kick in? he won't know whats happening until it's too late since you said he's already messing himself without any real control." She added.
"Of course! I almost wish I didn't have to go in to work but since I'll be taking a extended leave in a few weeks ..well you know how it is."
"Of course." Betty said, both women turning their attention back to Benny as he plopped on his butt, eyes glazed and drool going down his chin.
"And he's just about done."

Benny couldn't believe he had zonked out like that, just from a little scan. His eye's felt funny and his brain a little fuzzy as he went to rub his hands over his eyes then realized that he had been sucking on his thumb with a bunch of gross drool all over it and his chin! stealing a quick glance at mom and Betty, and seeing they weren't looking he quickly wiped his chin on his sleeve and his thumb on his pants as he scrambled up to his feet.
"Oh, Done already? sorry, sometimes it takes awhile." Betty said, smiling.
"Uh..it's s'ok." Ben said, a little wobbly on his feet and flashing a big toothy smile that turned into a frown as he realized something. "Wait..does that mean mommies leaving now.?" He asked.
"Sorry little guy, but Yeah. I have to go to work and earn money for your snacks, your game and most of all." And she came over and tickled his tummy while smooching his cheek. "Your diapies!"
He giggled and coo'ed, then gave her a big hug.  "Oooookay mommie. I'll see you at um.." and Ben turned to look at the clock, but his eyes had to be still acting up.
he couldn't really make sense of it.
"umm..After work!" Ben said to save face and blushed, rubbing the back of his head.

With his mom gone Ben was lead toward the nursery section where Betty went and put a big gold star on his shirt.
"Whats that for?" Ben asked, poking at it but grinning big time.
"Oh,it shows that your in the potty training program and since it's a refresher for you, that you should go before the toddlers just trying to learn." Betty said, ruffling Ben's hair and making his chest swell with pride even as a muffled toot escaped from his rear.
he was then handed off to anther lady who had a dark brown mushroom cut and looked to be a bit younger then Ben's mommie.
He tried to read what it said on her shirt but his eyes were STILL all messed up from the scanner and he rubbed them as she went to introduce herself.
"Hi little guy, I'll be your caretaker fo- Oh, whats wrong?" she asked, kneeling down and noticing the star on his shirt. "Ohhh~ Somebodies eyes are bugging him from the scanner huh?"
"Yeah sorry, Stupid eyes can't make out your name on yer shirt." Ben whined, huffing and bottom lip sticking out. "And normally I'm like a super duper reader! I can read whole novels myself!" he said, back to boasting about JUST how smart he was as a couple more muffled farts rang out, though he didn't seem to notice.
"Oh I bet~ you look totally smart! I'm Sally. You must be the super cool big kid named Ben right." she said in a condescending manor.
however it went right over Ben's head and he beamed and nodded. "Yeah! and I'm gonna be the biggest coolest boy here! I bet like, By this time tomorrow I'll be in the big kids room so you'll hafa enjoy my company while I'm here." Ben giggled and wiggled his butt back and forth.
"Well shucks, that sucks for me but alright! come on, I'll introduce you to some of the others." Sally coo'ed and took Ben's hand, smirking as his thumb ended up back in his mouth.
'oh dear..why is it always the smartest ones that fall the fastest?' Sally mentally giggle, then pulled the thumb out. "Sorry little guy, no thumb sucking here..your hands might be dirty. but here, you can have this~"
And with that Sally replaced the thumb with a large green pacifier that Ben eagerly suckled on and smiled behind, giving her a little hug around her legs.
'Oh yeah, he's on the bullet train to 'tard town.'

Getting over to the other kids, 3 3 year olds and 1 5 year old, Ben semi huffed behind his pacifier.
It was clear that while the 3 year olds were in big puffy diapers like him, the five year old was in pull-ups, they had risen just over the waist band of his shorts.
"Ben, this is Jacob." and Sally pointed to the 3 year old with dirty blonde hair in a mushroom cut like her own."And his brother Alex." pointing at anther one who had the same color and actually kinda looked the same as Jacob, save for his hair being in a mini Mohawk. "And that's Malcore, he's actually your age!" She said pointing to a brownish redhead who blushed a little.
"Sally don't say it like it's a surprise..I told you..I'm just over due for a growth spurt." Malcore whined and huff, hugging a tiger stuffie.
"And this big girl right here is Des, Malcore's little sister." She said nodding to the blond who's Legend of Zelda t-shirt and shorts and shortish blond hair had made Ben think she was a boy.
"Heh, anther pamper packer eh? Can't smell worse then mister poopie pants!" Des giggled and jerked a thumb over to Malcore, then held out her hand.
"SALLLY!" Malcore whined and Ben huffed as trying to yell about what a big kid he was.
"Des what have I said about picking on the kids still in diapers?" Sally scolded, wagging a finger at Des and a hand on her hip. "And Malcore, just hug mister cuddles. you'll feel better."
"Ugh..That I can always go back into diapers and lost my pants. But come on! the dork didn't even notice his paci's still in his mouth!"  Des said and gestured to Ben
Ben blushed at that, his eyes looking down at his mouth and mphing loudly and then pulling it out of his mouth and opening his mouth to unleash a cutting remark that would leave her weeping.
"Now you wisten here! I'ma big boy and I'm-" Ben started, not noticing that he was lisping babyishly, though his speech was interrupted and his train of thought lost as he popped a squat and started to loudly fill the back of his diapers. "-POOPING MY DIAPIES!"
"Oh gee, wow. you soooo showed me.." Des said, voice Deadpan and holding her nose "And cue chain reaction in 3..2..1.."
Right on cue the twin's both started to go, as did Malcore, though out of the four diaper poopers it was clear who the champion.
The twins diaper only sagged and dropped a big in the back, even as they held each others nose crying out 'yucky!', Malcore diaper drooped down, getting down half way down his thighs as he yelped and hid his face in his tiger stuffie but Ben..
Ben's mess came out so fast and so big that his shorts ripped around him, the tatter remains of the top of them hanging like a semi skirt and then the diapers were rapidly heading for his knees.
"..Ok wow. thats a new one. I'm impressed Des said, eyes going wide.
"Eh, I've seen it before..it's all f his big boy brain ending up in his diapers. Really hope his parents didn't wanna change him back, no wearing off when they go THAT much!" Sally said.
"W-What?!" Ben cried out, he'd never gone this much before and between the fumes and the efforts of going this much his brain was getting hazy and a silly grin broke out over his face.
"I'd explain it out to you little guy, but you wouldn't even care." Sally coo'ed and then popped the paci back in Ben's mouth. "Just finish pooping."
Ben just giggled and nodded his head and bore down to finish as Sally sent Des to go and open up a window.

When Jessie and Todd, Ben's parents came to pick him up they could help but smile at the change. no more huffiness over his baby treatment and instead he was all gushing about his new friends and how cool they were, and bragging up how he was the biggest pooper, no one could holder a candle to him.
the only thing that seemed to annoy Ben as he was carried out in a borrowed red diaper shirt and his butt puffy from a heavy dooty diaper was that Sally had made him wash away a pretty picture he had drawn on his tummy.
"Don't worry little guy." Todd coo'ed and kissed his son's cheek.
"I have a feeling you'll be making lots of pretty arts for us for quite awhile~" Jessie finished and kissed the cheek, then added. "Now let's go, I promised someone a happy meal if he was good."

The end
Comish for Beastbear with his OC Ben and a guest star spot for Malcore and Des from the Malcore verse and the wolfe brothers who kinda float around because twins are cute XD

male 1,198,164, female 1,088,693, human 108,637, diaper 78,447, diapers 22,041, diaperboy 2,365, diapergirl 519, ben 446, malcore 269, mental regression 264, diaperboys 94, des 40, jacob wolfe 6, alex wolfe 5
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 3 years, 2 months ago
Rating: General

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